// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
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* Format topics section extra logic component.
* @module format_topics/section
* @copyright 2022 Ferran Recio <ferran@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
import {BaseComponent} from 'core/reactive';
import {getCurrentCourseEditor} from 'core_courseformat/courseeditor';
import Templates from 'core/templates';
class HighlightSection extends BaseComponent {
* Constructor hook.
create() {
// Optional component name for debugging.
this.name = 'format_topics_section';
// Default query selectors.
this.selectors = {
SECTION: `[data-for='section']`,
SETMARKER: `[data-action="sectionHighlight"]`,
REMOVEMARKER: `[data-action="sectionUnhighlight"]`,
ACTIONTEXT: `.menu-action-text`,
ICON: `.icon`,
// Default classes to toggle on refresh.
this.classes = {
HIDE: 'd-none',
// The topics format section specific actions.
this.formatActions = {
HIGHLIGHT: 'sectionHighlight',
UNHIGHLIGHT: 'sectionUnhighlight',
* Component watchers.
* @returns {Array} of watchers
getWatchers() {
return [
{watch: `section.current:updated`, handler: this._refreshHighlight},
* Update a content section using the state information.
* @param {object} param
* @param {Object} param.element details the update details.
async _refreshHighlight({element}) {
let selector;
let newAction;
if (element.current) {
selector = this.selectors.SETMARKER;
newAction = this.formatActions.UNHIGHLIGHT;
} else {
selector = this.selectors.REMOVEMARKER;
newAction = this.formatActions.HIGHLIGHT;
// Find the affected action.
const affectedAction = this.getElement(`${this.selectors.SECTION} ${selector}`, element.id);
if (!affectedAction) {
// Change action, text and icon.
affectedAction.dataset.action = newAction;
const actionText = affectedAction.querySelector(this.selectors.ACTIONTEXT);
if (affectedAction.dataset?.swapname && actionText) {
const oldText = actionText?.innerText;
actionText.innerText = affectedAction.dataset.swapname;
affectedAction.dataset.swapname = oldText;
const icon = affectedAction.querySelector(this.selectors.ICON);
if (affectedAction.dataset?.swapicon && icon) {
const newIcon = affectedAction.dataset.swapicon;
if (newIcon) {
const pixHtml = await Templates.renderPix(newIcon, 'core');
Templates.replaceNode(icon, pixHtml, '');
affectedAction.dataset.swapicon = affectedAction.dataset.icon;
affectedAction.dataset.icon = newIcon;
export const init = () => {
// Add component to the section.
const courseEditor = getCurrentCourseEditor();
if (courseEditor.supportComponents && courseEditor.isEditing) {
new HighlightSection({
element: document.getElementById('region-main'),
reactive: courseEditor,