// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* JS for the mod_form page on mod_bigbluebuttonbn plugin.
* @module mod_bigbluebuttonbn/modform
* @copyright 2021 Blindside Networks Inc
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
import {getString} from 'core/str';
import Notification from 'core/notification';
import Templates from "core/templates";
* Get all selectors in one place.
instanceTypeSelection: () => document.querySelector('select#id_type'),
instanceTypeProfiles: () => document.querySelector('[data-profile-types]'),
participantData: () => document.querySelector('[data-participant-data]'),
participantList: () => document.getElementsByName('participants')[0],
participantTable: () => document.getElementById('participant_list_table'),
participantSelectionType: () => document.getElementsByName('bigbluebuttonbn_participant_selection_type')[0],
participantSelection: () => document.getElementsByName('bigbluebuttonbn_participant_selection')[0],
participantAddButton: () => document.getElementsByName('bigbluebuttonbn_participant_selection_add')[0],
* Initialise the moodle form code.
* This will help hide or show items depending on the selection of the instance type.
* @method init
* @param {object} info
export const init = (info) => {
const selectedType = ELEMENT_SELECTOR.instanceTypeSelection();
const instanceTypeProfiles = JSON.parse(ELEMENT_SELECTOR.instanceTypeProfiles().dataset.profileTypes);
let profileType = info.instanceTypeDefault;
if (selectedType !== null && selectedType.selectedIndex !== -1) {
profileType = selectedType.options[selectedType.selectedIndex].value;
const isFeatureEnabled = (profileType, feature) => {
const features = instanceTypeProfiles[profileType].features;
return (features.indexOf(feature) !== -1);
applyInstanceTypeProfile(profileType, isFeatureEnabled);
// Change form visible fields depending on the selection.
selectedType.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
applyInstanceTypeProfile(e.target.value, isFeatureEnabled);
ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantSelectionType().addEventListener('change', (e) => {
const currentTypeSelect = e.target;
ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantAddButton().addEventListener('click', (e) => {
* Show or hide form element depending on the selected profile
* @param {string} profileType
* @param {function} isFeatureEnabled
const applyInstanceTypeProfile = (profileType, isFeatureEnabled) => {
let showAll = isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'all');
const showFieldset = (id, show) => {
// Show room settings validation.
const node = document.querySelector('#' + id);
if (!node) {
if (show) {
node.style.display = 'block';
node.style.display = 'none';
const showInput = (id, show) => {
// Show room settings validation.
const node = document.querySelector('#' + id);
if (!node) {
var ancestor = node.closest('div').closest('div');
if (show) {
ancestor.style.display = 'block';
ancestor.style.display = 'none';
const showFormGroup = (id, show) => {
// Show room settings validation.
const node = document.querySelector('#fgroup_id_' + id);
if (!node) {
if (show) {
// Show room settings validation.
showFieldset('id_room', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'showroom'));
showInput('id_record', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'showroom'));
// Show recordings settings validation.
showFieldset('id_recordings', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'showrecordings'));
// Show recordings imported settings validation.
showInput('id_recordings_imported', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'showrecordings'));
// Show lock settings validation.
showFieldset('id_lock', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'lock'));
// Show guest settings validation.
showFieldset('id_guestaccess', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'showroom'));
// Preuploadpresentation feature validation.
showFieldset('id_preuploadpresentation', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'preuploadpresentation'));
// Participants feature validation.
showFieldset('id_permissions', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'permissions'));
// Schedule feature validation.
showFieldset('id_schedule', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'schedule'));
// Common module settings validation.
showFieldset('id_modstandardelshdr', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'modstandardelshdr'));
// Restrict access validation.
showFieldset('id_availabilityconditionsheader', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'availabilityconditionsheader'));
// Tags validation.
showFieldset('id_tagshdr', showAll || isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'tagshdr'));
// Competencies validation.
showFieldset('id_competenciessection', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'competenciessection'));
// Completion validation.
showFormGroup('completionattendancegroup', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'completionattendance'));
// Completion validation.
showFormGroup('completionengagementgroup', showAll ||
isFeatureEnabled(profileType, 'completionengagement'));
* Init the participant list
const participantListInit = () => {
const participantData = JSON.parse(ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantData().dataset.participantData);
const participantList = getParticipantList();
participantList.forEach(participant => {
const selectionTypeValue = participant.selectiontype;
const selectionValue = participant.selectionid;
const selectionRole = participant.role;
if (participant.selectiontype === 'all' ||
typeof participantData[participant.selectiontype].children[participant.selectionid] !== 'undefined') {
// Add it to the form, but don't add the delete button if it is the first item.
participantAddToForm(selectionTypeValue, selectionValue, selectionRole, true).then();
* Add rows to the participant list depending on the current selection.
* @param {string} selectionTypeValue
* @param {string} selectionValue
* @param {string} selectedRole
* @param {boolean} canRemove
* @returns {Promise<void>}
const participantAddToForm = async(selectionTypeValue, selectionValue, selectedRole, canRemove) => {
const participantData = JSON.parse(ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantData().dataset.participantData);
const sviewer = await getString('mod_form_field_participant_bbb_role_viewer', 'mod_bigbluebuttonbn');
const smoderator = await getString('mod_form_field_participant_bbb_role_moderator', 'mod_bigbluebuttonbn');
let roles = {
viewer: {'id': 'viewer', label: sviewer},
moderator: {'id': 'moderator', label: smoderator}
roles[selectedRole].isselected = true;
try {
const listTable = document.querySelector('#participant_list_table tbody');
const templateContext = {
'selectiontypevalue': selectionTypeValue,
'selectionvalue': selectionValue,
'participanttype': participantData[selectionTypeValue].name,
(selectionTypeValue !== 'all') ?
participantData[selectionTypeValue].children[selectionValue].name : null,
'roles': Object.values(roles),
'canRemove': canRemove
const {html, js} = await Templates.renderForPromise('mod_bigbluebuttonbn/participant_form_add', templateContext);
const newNode = Templates.appendNodeContents(listTable, html, js)[0];
newNode.querySelector('.participant-select').addEventListener('change', () => {
participantListRoleUpdate(selectionTypeValue, selectionValue);
// Now add the callbacks: participantListRoleUpdate() and participantRemove().
const removeNode = newNode.querySelector('.remove-button');
if (removeNode) {
.addEventListener('click', () => {
participantRemove(selectionTypeValue, selectionValue);
} catch (e) {
* Update the related form element with the list value.
* @param {object} list
const participantListUpdate = (list) => {
const participantList = ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantList();
participantList.value = JSON.stringify(list);
* @returns {any}
const getParticipantList = () => {
const participantListValue = ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantList().value;
if (participantListValue) {
return JSON.parse(participantListValue);
return [];
* Remove participant both in the table/form and in the form element.
* @param {string} selectionTypeValue
* @param {string} selectionValue
const participantRemove = (selectionTypeValue, selectionValue) => {
const pList = getParticipantList();
const id = 'participant_list_tr_' + selectionTypeValue + '-' + selectionValue;
const participantListTable = ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantTable();
const selectionid = (selectionValue === '' ? null : selectionValue);
for (let i = 0; i < pList.length; i++) {
if (pList[i].selectiontype === selectionTypeValue &&
pList[i].selectionid === selectionid) {
pList.splice(i, 1);
// Remove from the form.
for (let i = 0; i < participantListTable.rows.length; i++) {
if (participantListTable.rows[i].id === id) {
// Update value in the form.
* Role update
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} id
const participantListRoleUpdate = (type, id) => {
// Update in memory.
const participantListRoleSelection = document.querySelector(`#participant_list_tr_${type}-${id} .participant-select`);
const pList = getParticipantList();
for (var i = 0; i < pList.length; i++) {
if (pList[i].selectiontype === type && pList[i].selectionid === id) {
pList[i].role = participantListRoleSelection.value;
// Update in the form.
* Add participant from the currently selected options
const participantAddFromCurrentSelection = () => {
let selectionType = ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantSelectionType();
let selection = ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantSelection();
const pList = getParticipantList();
// Lookup to see if it has been added already.
for (var i = 0; i < pList.length; i++) {
if (pList[i].selectiontype === selectionType.value &&
pList[i].selectionid === selection.value) {
"selectiontype": selectionType.value,
"selectionid": selection.value,
"role": "viewer"
// Add it to the form.
participantAddToForm(selectionType.value, selection.value, 'viewer', true).then();
// Update in the form.
* Update selectable options when changing types
* @param {HTMLNode} currentTypeSelect
const updateSelectionFromType = (currentTypeSelect) => {
const createNewOption = (selectItem, label, value) => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.text = label;
option.value = value;
const participantData = JSON.parse(ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantData().dataset.participantData);
// Clear all selection items.
const participantSelect = ELEMENT_SELECTOR.participantSelection();
while (participantSelect.firstChild) {
// Add options depending on the selection.
if (currentTypeSelect.selectedIndex !== -1) {
const options = Object.values(participantData[currentTypeSelect.value].children);
options.forEach(option => {
createNewOption(participantSelect, option.name, option.id);
if (currentTypeSelect.value === 'all') {
createNewOption(participantSelect, '---------------', 'all');
participantSelect.disabled = true;
} else {
participantSelect.disabled = false;