// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
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* A configuration to provide to the modal.
* @typedef {Object} courseItem
* @property {String} type The type of element (section, cm).
* @property {Number} id Element ID.
* @property {String} url Element URL.
* Module to export parts of the state and transform them to be used in templates
* and as draggable data.
* @module core_courseformat/local/courseeditor/exporter
* @class core_courseformat/local/courseeditor/exporter
* @copyright 2021 Ferran Recio <ferran@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
export default class {
* Class constructor.
* @param {CourseEditor} reactive the course editor object
constructor(reactive) {
this.reactive = reactive;
// Completions states are defined in lib/completionlib.php. There are 4 different completion
// state values, however, the course index uses the same state for complete and complete_pass.
// This is the reason why completed appears twice in the array.
this.COMPLETIONS = ['incomplete', 'complete', 'complete', 'fail'];
* Generate the course export data from the state.
* @param {Object} state the current state.
* @returns {Object}
course(state) {
// Collect section information from the state.
const data = {
sections: [],
editmode: this.reactive.isEditing,
highlighted: state.course.highlighted ?? '',
const sectionlist = this.listedSectionIds(state);
sectionlist.forEach(sectionid => {
const sectioninfo = state.section.get(sectionid) ?? {};
const section = this.section(state, sectioninfo);
data.hassections = (data.sections.length != 0);
return data;
* Get the IDs of the sections that are listed as regular sections.
* @param {Object} state the current state.
* @returns {Number[]} the list of section ids that are listed.
listedSectionIds(state) {
const fullSectionList = state.course.sectionlist ?? [];
return fullSectionList.filter(sectionid => {
const sectioninfo = state.section.get(sectionid) ?? {};
// Delegated sections (controlled by a component) are not listed in course.
return sectioninfo.component === null;
* Generate a section export data from the state.
* @param {Object} state the current state.
* @param {Object} sectioninfo the section state data.
* @returns {Object}
section(state, sectioninfo) {
const section = {
highlighted: state.course.highlighted ?? '',
cms: [],
const cmlist = sectioninfo.cmlist ?? [];
cmlist.forEach(cmid => {
const cminfo = state.cm.get(cmid);
const cm = this.cm(state, cminfo);
section.hascms = (section.cms.length != 0);
return section;
* Generate a cm export data from the state.
* @param {Object} state the current state.
* @param {Object} cminfo the course module state data.
* @returns {Object}
cm(state, cminfo) {
const cm = {
isactive: false,
sectioninfo: false, // Init to false to prevent mustache recursion loops.
if (cminfo.hasdelegatedsection) {
const sectioninfo = state.section.get(cminfo.delegatesectionid);
cm.sectioninfo = this.section(state, sectioninfo);
return cm;
* Generate a dragable cm data structure.
* This method is used by any draggable course module element to generate drop data
* for its reactive/dragdrop instance.
* @param {*} state the state object
* @param {*} cmid the cours emodule id
* @returns {Object|null}
cmDraggableData(state, cmid) {
const cminfo = state.cm.get(cmid);
if (!cminfo) {
return null;
// Drop an activity over the next activity is the same as doing anything.
let nextcmid;
const section = state.section.get(cminfo.sectionid);
const currentindex = section?.cmlist.indexOf(cminfo.id);
if (currentindex !== undefined) {
nextcmid = section?.cmlist[currentindex + 1];
return {
type: 'cm',
id: cminfo.id,
name: cminfo.name,
sectionid: cminfo.sectionid,
hasdelegatedsection: cminfo.hasdelegatedsection,
* Generate a dragable cm data structure.
* This method is used by any draggable section element to generate drop data
* for its reactive/dragdrop instance.
* @param {*} state the state object
* @param {*} sectionid the cours section id
* @returns {Object|null}
sectionDraggableData(state, sectionid) {
const sectioninfo = state.section.get(sectionid);
if (!sectioninfo) {
return null;
return {
type: 'section',
id: sectioninfo.id,
name: sectioninfo.name,
number: sectioninfo.number,
* Generate a file draggable structure.
* This method is used when files are dragged on the browser.
* @param {*} state the state object
* @param {*} dataTransfer the current data tranfer data
* @returns {Object|null}
fileDraggableData(state, dataTransfer) {
const files = [];
// Browsers do not provide the file list until the drop event.
if (dataTransfer.files?.length > 0) {
dataTransfer.files.forEach(file => {
return {
type: 'files',
* Generate a completion export data from the cm element.
* @param {Object} state the current state.
* @param {Object} cminfo the course module state data.
* @returns {Object}
cmCompletion(state, cminfo) {
const data = {
statename: '',
state: 'NaN',
if (cminfo.completionstate !== undefined) {
data.state = cminfo.completionstate;
data.hasstate = true;
let statename = this.COMPLETIONS[cminfo.completionstate] ?? 'NaN';
if (cminfo.isoverallcomplete !== undefined && cminfo.isoverallcomplete === true) {
statename = 'complete';
data[`is${statename}`] = true;
return data;
* Return a sorted list of all sections and cms items in the state.
* @param {Object} state the current state.
* @returns {courseItem[]} all sections and cms items in the state.
allItemsArray(state) {
const items = [];
const sectionlist = state.course.sectionlist ?? [];
// Add sections.
sectionlist.forEach(sectionid => {
const sectioninfo = state.section.get(sectionid);
// Skip delegated sections because components are responsible for them.
if (sectioninfo.component !== null) {
type: 'section',
id: sectioninfo.id,
url: sectioninfo.sectionurl
// Add cms.
const cmlist = sectioninfo.cmlist ?? [];
cmlist.forEach(cmid => {
const cmInfo = state.cm.get(cmid);
items.push(...this.cmItemsArray(state, cmInfo));
return items;
* Return a list of all items associated with an activity.
* @private
* @param {Object} state the full current state.
* @param {Object} cmInfo the course module state data.
* @return {courseItem[]} the items array associated with that cm.
cmItemsArray(state, cmInfo) {
// Activities with delegated sections are exported as sections.
if (cmInfo.hasdelegatedsection) {
const items = [];
const delegatedsection = state.section.get(cmInfo.delegatesectionid);
type: 'section',
id: delegatedsection.id,
url: delegatedsection.sectionurl
const delegatedCmlist = delegatedsection.cmlist ?? [];
delegatedCmlist.forEach(cmid => {
const cmInfo = state.cm.get(cmid);
type: 'cm',
id: cmInfo.id,
url: cmInfo.url
return items;
return [
{type: 'cm', id: cmInfo.id, url: cmInfo.url},
* Check is some activities of a list can be stealth.
* @param {Object} state the current state.
* @param {Number[]} cmIds the module ids to check
* @returns {Boolean} if any of the activities can be stealth.
canUseStealth(state, cmIds) {
return cmIds.some(cmId => {
const cminfo = state.cm.get(cmId);
return cminfo?.allowstealth ?? false;