// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
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* Course index section component.
* This component is used to control specific course section interactions like drag and drop.
* @module core_courseformat/local/courseindex/section
* @class core_courseformat/local/courseindex/section
* @copyright 2021 Ferran Recio <ferran@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
import SectionTitle from 'core_courseformat/local/courseindex/sectiontitle';
import DndSection from 'core_courseformat/local/courseeditor/dndsection';
export default class Component extends DndSection {
* Constructor hook.
create() {
// Optional component name for debugging.
this.name = 'courseindex_section';
// Default query selectors.
this.selectors = {
SECTION: `[data-for='section']`,
SECTION_ITEM: `[data-for='section_item']`,
SECTION_TITLE: `[data-for='section_title']`,
CM_LAST: `[data-for="cm"]:last-child`,
// Default classes to toggle on refresh.
this.classes = {
LOCKED: 'editinprogress',
RESTRICTIONS: 'restrictions',
PAGEITEM: 'pageitem',
OVERLAYBORDERS: 'overlay-preview-borders',
// We need our id to watch specific events.
this.id = this.element.dataset.id;
this.isPageItem = false;
* Static method to create a component instance form the mustahce template.
* @param {string} target the DOM main element or its ID
* @param {object} selectors optional css selector overrides
* @return {Component}
static init(target, selectors) {
return new this({
element: document.getElementById(target),
* Initial state ready method.
* @param {Object} state the initial state
stateReady(state) {
const sectionItem = this.getElement(this.selectors.SECTION_ITEM);
// Drag and drop is only available for components compatible course formats.
if (this.reactive.isEditing && this.reactive.supportComponents) {
// Init the inner dragable element passing the full section as affected region.
const titleitem = new SectionTitle({
element: sectionItem,
fullregion: this.element,
// Check if the current url is the section url.
const section = state.section.get(this.id);
if (window.location.href == section.sectionurl.replace(/&/g, "&")) {
this.reactive.dispatch('setPageItem', 'section', this.id);
* Component watchers.
* @returns {Array} of watchers
getWatchers() {
return [
{watch: `section[${this.id}]:deleted`, handler: this.remove},
{watch: `section[${this.id}]:updated`, handler: this._refreshSection},
{watch: `course.pageItem:updated`, handler: this._refreshPageItem},
* Get the last CM element of that section.
* @returns {element|null}
getLastCm() {
return this.getElement(this.selectors.CM_LAST);
* Update a course index section using the state information.
* @param {Object} param details the update details.
* @param {Object} param.element the section element
_refreshSection({element}) {
// Update classes.
const sectionItem = this.getElement(this.selectors.SECTION_ITEM);
sectionItem.classList.toggle(this.classes.SECTIONHIDDEN, !element.visible);
sectionItem.classList.toggle(this.classes.RESTRICTIONS, element.hasrestrictions ?? false);
this.element.classList.toggle(this.classes.SECTIONCURRENT, element.current);
this.element.classList.toggle(this.classes.DRAGGING, element.dragging ?? false);
this.element.classList.toggle(this.classes.LOCKED, element.locked ?? false);
this.locked = element.locked;
// Update title.
this.getElement(this.selectors.SECTION_TITLE).innerHTML = element.title;
* Handle a page item update.
* @param {Object} details the update details
* @param {Object} details.state the state data.
* @param {Object} details.element the course state data.
_refreshPageItem({element, state}) {
if (!element.pageItem) {
const containsPageItem = this._isPageItemInThisSection(element.pageItem);
if (!containsPageItem || this._isParentSectionIndexCollapsed(state)) {
this.pageItem = false;
const section = state.section.get(this.id);
if (section.indexcollapsed && !element.pageItem?.isStatic) {
this.pageItem = containsPageItem;
} else {
this.pageItem = (element.pageItem.type == 'section' && element.pageItem.id == this.id);
const sectionItem = this.getElement(this.selectors.SECTION_ITEM);
sectionItem.classList.toggle(this.classes.PAGEITEM, this.pageItem ?? false);
if (this.pageItem && !this.reactive.isEditing) {
this.element.scrollIntoView({block: "nearest"});
* Check if the page item is inside this section.
* @private
* @param {Object} pageItem
* @param {Object} pageItem.sectionId the current page item section id.
* @returns {boolean}
_isPageItemInThisSection(pageItem) {
if (pageItem.sectionId == this.id) {
return true;
// Check for any possible subsections.
const subsection = this.element.querySelector(`${this.selectors.SECTION}[data-id="${pageItem.sectionId}"]`);
if (subsection) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the parent section index is collapsed.
* @private
* @param {Object} state the current state
* @returns {boolean|null} null if no parent section is found.
_isParentSectionIndexCollapsed(state) {
const parentElement = this.element.parentElement.closest(this.selectors.SECTION);
if (!parentElement || !parentElement.dataset.id) {
return null;
const parentSection = state.section.get(parentElement.dataset.id);
return !!parentSection.indexcollapsed;
* Overridden version of the component addOverlay async method.
* The course index is not compatible with overlay elements.
async addOverlay() {
* Overridden version of the component removeOverlay.
* The course index is not compatible with overlay elements.
removeOverlay() {