
// This file is part of Moodle -
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 * Javascript module for fixing the position of sticky headers with multiple colspans
 * @module      gradereport_grader/stickycolspan
 * @copyright   2022 Bas Brands <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

import $ from 'jquery';
import {SELECTORS as stickyFooterSelectors, eventTypes as stickyFooterEvents} from 'core/sticky-footer';

const SELECTORS = {
    GRADEPARENT: '.gradeparent',
    STUDENTHEADER: '#studentheader',
    TABLEHEADER: 'th.header',
    BEHAT: 'body.behat-site',
    USERDROPDOWN: '.userrow th .dropdown',
    LASTROW: '.lastrow',

 * Initialize module
export const init = () => {
    // The sticky positioning attributed to the user column cells affects the stacking context and makes the dropdowns
    // within these cells to be cut off. To solve this problem, whenever one of these action menus (dropdowns) is opened
    // we need to manually bump up the z-index value of the parent container element and revert once closed.
    $(SELECTORS.USERDROPDOWN).on('', (e) => {
        // The closest heading element has sticky positioning which affects the stacking context in this case.'actions-menu-active');

    // Add an event listener to the sticky footer toggled event to re-define the average row intersection observer
    // accordingly. This is needed as on narrow screens when scrolling vertically the sticky footer is enabled and
    // disabled dynamically.
    document.addEventListener(stickyFooterEvents.stickyFooterStateChanged, (e) => {

    if (!document.querySelector(SELECTORS.BEHAT)) {
        const grader = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.GRADEPARENT);
        const tableHeaders = grader.querySelectorAll(SELECTORS.TABLEHEADER);
        const studentHeader = grader.querySelector(SELECTORS.STUDENTHEADER);
        const leftOffset = getComputedStyle(studentHeader).getPropertyValue('left');
        const rightOffset = getComputedStyle(studentHeader).getPropertyValue('right');

        tableHeaders.forEach((tableHeader) => {
            if (tableHeader.colSpan > 1) {
                const addOffset = (tableHeader.offsetWidth - studentHeader.offsetWidth);
                if (window.right_to_left()) {
           = 'calc(' + rightOffset + ' - ' + addOffset + 'px )';
                } else {
           = 'calc(' + leftOffset + ' - ' + addOffset + 'px )';

 * Define the intersection observer that will make sure that the last row is properly pinned.
 * In certain scenarios, such as when both 'Overall average' and 'Range' are set not to be shown in the Grader report,
 * a user row will end up being the last row in the Grader report table. In this particular case, we want to avoid
 * pinning the last row.
 * @param {boolean} stickyFooterEnabled Whether the page shows a sticky footer or not.
const defineLastRowIntersectionObserver = (stickyFooterEnabled) => {
    const lastRow = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.LASTROW);
    // Ensure that the last row is not a user row before defining the intersection observer.
    if (!lastRow.classList.contains('userrow')) {
        const stickyFooterHeight = stickyFooterEnabled ?
            document.querySelector(stickyFooterSelectors.STICKYFOOTER).offsetHeight : null;
        // Register an observer that will bump up the z-index value of the last row when it's pinned to prevent the row
        // being cut-off by the user column cells or other components within the report table that have higher z-index
        // values. If the page has a sticky footer, we need to make sure that the bottom root margin of the observer
        // subtracts the height of the sticky footer to prevent the row being cut-off by the footer.
        const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(
            ([e]) => lastRow.classList.toggle('pinned', e.intersectionRatio < 1),
                rootMargin: stickyFooterHeight ? `0px 0px -${stickyFooterHeight}px 0px` : "0px",
                threshold: [1]