// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Course index main component.
* @module core_courseformat/local/content
* @class core_courseformat/local/content
* @copyright 2020 Ferran Recio <ferran@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
import {BaseComponent} from 'core/reactive';
import {debounce} from 'core/utils';
import {getCurrentCourseEditor} from 'core_courseformat/courseeditor';
import Config from 'core/config';
import inplaceeditable from 'core/inplace_editable';
import Section from 'core_courseformat/local/content/section';
import CmItem from 'core_courseformat/local/content/section/cmitem';
import Fragment from 'core/fragment';
import Templates from 'core/templates';
import DispatchActions from 'core_courseformat/local/content/actions';
import * as CourseEvents from 'core_course/events';
// The jQuery module is only used for interacting with Boostrap 4. It can we removed when MDL-71979 is integrated.
import jQuery from 'jquery';
import Pending from 'core/pending';
export default class Component extends BaseComponent {
* Constructor hook.
* @param {Object} descriptor the component descriptor
create(descriptor) {
// Optional component name for debugging.
this.name = 'course_format';
// Default query selectors.
this.selectors = {
SECTION: `[data-for='section']`,
SECTION_ITEM: `[data-for='section_title']`,
SECTION_CMLIST: `[data-for='cmlist']`,
COURSE_SECTIONLIST: `[data-for='course_sectionlist']`,
CM: `[data-for='cmitem']`,
TOGGLER: `[data-action="togglecoursecontentsection"]`,
COLLAPSE: `[data-toggle="collapse"]`,
TOGGLEALL: `[data-toggle="toggleall"]`,
// Formats can override the activity tag but a default one is needed to create new elements.
this.selectorGenerators = {
cmNameFor: (id) => `[data-cm-name-for='${id}']`,
sectionNameFor: (id) => `[data-section-name-for='${id}']`,
// Default classes to toggle on refresh.
this.classes = {
COLLAPSED: `collapsed`,
// Course content classes.
ACTIVITY: `activity`,
STATEDREADY: `stateready`,
SECTION: `section`,
// Array to save dettached elements during element resorting.
this.dettachedCms = {};
this.dettachedSections = {};
// Index of sections and cms components.
this.sections = {};
this.cms = {};
// The page section return.
this.sectionReturn = descriptor.sectionReturn ?? null;
this.debouncedReloads = new Map();
* Static method to create a component instance form the mustahce template.
* @param {string} target the DOM main element or its ID
* @param {object} selectors optional css selector overrides
* @param {number} sectionReturn the content section return
* @return {Component}
static init(target, selectors, sectionReturn) {
return new Component({
element: document.getElementById(target),
reactive: getCurrentCourseEditor(),
* Initial state ready method.
* @param {Object} state the state data
stateReady(state) {
// Activate section togglers.
this.addEventListener(this.element, 'click', this._sectionTogglers);
// Collapse/Expand all sections button.
const toogleAll = this.getElement(this.selectors.TOGGLEALL);
if (toogleAll) {
// Ensure collapse menu button adds aria-controls attribute referring to each collapsible element.
const collapseElements = this.getElements(this.selectors.COLLAPSE);
const collapseElementIds = [...collapseElements].map(element => element.id);
toogleAll.setAttribute('aria-controls', collapseElementIds.join(' '));
this.addEventListener(toogleAll, 'click', this._allSectionToggler);
this.addEventListener(toogleAll, 'keydown', e => {
// Collapse/expand all sections when Space key is pressed on the toggle button.
if (e.key === ' ') {
if (this.reactive.supportComponents) {
// Actions are only available in edit mode.
if (this.reactive.isEditing) {
new DispatchActions(this);
// Mark content as state ready.
// Capture completion events.
// Capture page scroll to update page item.
* Setup sections toggler.
* Toggler click is delegated to the main course content element because new sections can
* appear at any moment and this way we prevent accidental double bindings.
* @param {Event} event the triggered event
_sectionTogglers(event) {
const sectionlink = event.target.closest(this.selectors.TOGGLER);
const closestCollapse = event.target.closest(this.selectors.COLLAPSE);
// Assume that chevron is the only collapse toggler in a section heading;
// I think this is the most efficient way to verify at the moment.
const isChevron = closestCollapse?.closest(this.selectors.SECTION_ITEM);
if (sectionlink || isChevron) {
const section = event.target.closest(this.selectors.SECTION);
const toggler = section.querySelector(this.selectors.COLLAPSE);
const isCollapsed = toggler?.classList.contains(this.classes.COLLAPSED) ?? false;
const sectionId = section.getAttribute('data-id');
* Handle the collapse/expand all sections button.
* Toggler click is delegated to the main course content element because new sections can
* appear at any moment and this way we prevent accidental double bindings.
* @param {Event} event the triggered event
_allSectionToggler(event) {
const target = event.target.closest(this.selectors.TOGGLEALL);
const isAllCollapsed = target.classList.contains(this.classes.COLLAPSED);
const course = this.reactive.get('course');
course.sectionlist ?? [],
* Return the component watchers.
* @returns {Array} of watchers
getWatchers() {
// Section return is a global page variable but most formats define it just before start printing
// the course content. This is the reason why we define this page setting here.
this.reactive.sectionReturn = this.sectionReturn;
// Check if the course format is compatible with reactive components.
if (!this.reactive.supportComponents) {
return [];
return [
// State changes that require to reload some course modules.
{watch: `cm.visible:updated`, handler: this._reloadCm},
{watch: `cm.stealth:updated`, handler: this._reloadCm},
{watch: `cm.sectionid:updated`, handler: this._reloadCm},
{watch: `cm.indent:updated`, handler: this._reloadCm},
{watch: `cm.groupmode:updated`, handler: this._reloadCm},
{watch: `cm.name:updated`, handler: this._refreshCmName},
// Update section number and title.
{watch: `section.number:updated`, handler: this._refreshSectionNumber},
{watch: `section.title:updated`, handler: this._refreshSectionTitle},
// Collapse and expand sections.
{watch: `section.contentcollapsed:updated`, handler: this._refreshSectionCollapsed},
// Sections and cm sorting.
{watch: `transaction:start`, handler: this._startProcessing},
{watch: `course.sectionlist:updated`, handler: this._refreshCourseSectionlist},
{watch: `section.cmlist:updated`, handler: this._refreshSectionCmlist},
// Section visibility.
{watch: `section.visible:updated`, handler: this._reloadSection},
// Reindex sections and cms.
{watch: `state:updated`, handler: this._indexContents},
* Update a course module name on the whole page.
* @param {object} param
* @param {Object} param.element details the update details.
_refreshCmName({element}) {
// Update classes.
// Replace the text content of the cm name.
const allCmNamesFor = this.getElements(
allCmNamesFor.forEach((cmNameFor) => {
cmNameFor.textContent = element.name;
* Update section collapsed state via bootstrap 4 if necessary.
* Formats that do not use bootstrap 4 must override this method in order to keep the section
* toggling working.
* @param {object} args
* @param {Object} args.state The state data
* @param {Object} args.element The element to update
_refreshSectionCollapsed({state, element}) {
const target = this.getElement(this.selectors.SECTION, element.id);
if (!target) {
throw new Error(`Unknown section with ID ${element.id}`);
// Check if it is already done.
const toggler = target.querySelector(this.selectors.COLLAPSE);
const isCollapsed = toggler?.classList.contains(this.classes.COLLAPSED) ?? false;
if (element.contentcollapsed !== isCollapsed) {
let collapsibleId = toggler.dataset.target ?? toggler.getAttribute("href");
if (!collapsibleId) {
collapsibleId = collapsibleId.replace('#', '');
const collapsible = document.getElementById(collapsibleId);
if (!collapsible) {
// Course index is based on Bootstrap 4 collapsibles. To collapse them we need jQuery to
// interact with collapsibles methods. Hopefully, this will change in Bootstrap 5 because
// it does not require jQuery anymore (when MDL-71979 is integrated).
jQuery(collapsible).collapse(element.contentcollapsed ? 'hide' : 'show');
* Refresh the collapse/expand all sections element.
* @param {Object} state The state data
_refreshAllSectionsToggler(state) {
const target = this.getElement(this.selectors.TOGGLEALL);
if (!target) {
// Check if we have all sections collapsed/expanded.
let allcollapsed = true;
let allexpanded = true;
section => {
allcollapsed = allcollapsed && section.contentcollapsed;
allexpanded = allexpanded && !section.contentcollapsed;
if (allcollapsed) {
target.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false);
if (allexpanded) {
target.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);
* Setup the component to start a transaction.
* Some of the course actions replaces the current DOM element with a new one before updating the
* course state. This means the component cannot preload any index properly until the transaction starts.
_startProcessing() {
// During a section or cm sorting, some elements could be dettached from the DOM and we
// need to store somewhare in case they are needed later.
this.dettachedCms = {};
this.dettachedSections = {};
* Activity manual completion listener.
* @param {Event} event the custom ecent
_completionHandler({detail}) {
if (detail === undefined) {
this.reactive.dispatch('cmCompletion', [detail.cmid], detail.completed);
* Check the current page scroll and update the active element if necessary.
_scrollHandler() {
const pageOffset = window.scrollY;
const items = this.reactive.getExporter().allItemsArray(this.reactive.state);
// Check what is the active element now.
let pageItem = null;
items.every(item => {
const index = (item.type === 'section') ? this.sections : this.cms;
if (index[item.id] === undefined) {
return true;
const element = index[item.id].element;
pageItem = item;
return pageOffset >= element.offsetTop;
if (pageItem) {
this.reactive.dispatch('setPageItem', pageItem.type, pageItem.id);
* Update a course section when the section number changes.
* The courseActions module used for most course section tools still depends on css classes and
* section numbers (not id). To prevent inconsistencies when a section is moved, we need to refresh
* the
* Course formats can override the section title rendering so the frontend depends heavily on backend
* rendering. Luckily in edit mode we can trigger a title update using the inplace_editable module.
* @param {Object} param
* @param {Object} param.element details the update details.
_refreshSectionNumber({element}) {
// Find the element.
const target = this.getElement(this.selectors.SECTION, element.id);
if (!target) {
// Job done. Nothing to refresh.
// Update section numbers in all data, css and YUI attributes.
target.id = `section-${element.number}`;
// YUI uses section number as section id in data-sectionid, in principle if a format use components
// don't need this sectionid attribute anymore, but we keep the compatibility in case some plugin
// use it for legacy purposes.
target.dataset.sectionid = element.number;
// The data-number is the attribute used by components to store the section number.
target.dataset.number = element.number;
// Update title and title inplace editable, if any.
const inplace = inplaceeditable.getInplaceEditable(target.querySelector(this.selectors.SECTION_ITEM));
if (inplace) {
// The course content HTML can be modified at any moment, so the function need to do some checkings
// to make sure the inplace editable still represents the same itemid.
const currentvalue = inplace.getValue();
const currentitemid = inplace.getItemId();
// Unnamed sections must be recalculated.
if (inplace.getValue() === '') {
// The value to send can be an empty value if it is a default name.
if (currentitemid == element.id && (currentvalue != element.rawtitle || element.rawtitle == '')) {
* Update a course section name on the whole page.
* @param {object} param
* @param {Object} param.element details the update details.
_refreshSectionTitle({element}) {
// Replace the text content of the section name in the whole page.
const allSectionNamesFor = document.querySelectorAll(
allSectionNamesFor.forEach((sectionNameFor) => {
sectionNameFor.textContent = element.title;
* Refresh a section cm list.
* @param {Object} param
* @param {Object} param.element details the update details.
_refreshSectionCmlist({element}) {
const cmlist = element.cmlist ?? [];
const section = this.getElement(this.selectors.SECTION, element.id);
const listparent = section?.querySelector(this.selectors.SECTION_CMLIST);
// A method to create a fake element to be replaced when the item is ready.
const createCm = this._createCmItem.bind(this);
if (listparent) {
this._fixOrder(listparent, cmlist, this.selectors.CM, this.dettachedCms, createCm);
* Refresh the section list.
* @param {Object} param
* @param {Object} param.state the full state object.
_refreshCourseSectionlist({state}) {
// If we have a section return means we only show a single section so no need to fix order.
if (this.reactive.sectionReturn !== null) {
const sectionlist = this.reactive.getExporter().listedSectionIds(state);
const listparent = this.getElement(this.selectors.COURSE_SECTIONLIST);
// For now section cannot be created at a frontend level.
const createSection = this._createSectionItem.bind(this);
if (listparent) {
this._fixOrder(listparent, sectionlist, this.selectors.SECTION, this.dettachedSections, createSection);
* Regenerate content indexes.
* This method is used when a legacy action refresh some content element.
_indexContents() {
// Find unindexed sections.
(item) => {
return new Section(item);
// Find unindexed cms.
(item) => {
return new CmItem(item);
* Reindex a content (section or cm) of the course content.
* This method is used internally by _indexContents.
* @param {string} selector the DOM selector to scan
* @param {*} index the index attribute to update
* @param {*} creationhandler method to create a new indexed element
_scanIndex(selector, index, creationhandler) {
const items = this.getElements(`${selector}:not([data-indexed])`);
items.forEach((item) => {
if (!item?.dataset?.id) {
// Delete previous item component.
if (index[item.dataset.id] !== undefined) {
// Create the new component.
index[item.dataset.id] = creationhandler({
element: item,
// Mark as indexed.
item.dataset.indexed = true;
* Reload a course module contents.
* Most course module HTML is still strongly backend dependant.
* Some changes require to get a new version of the module.
* @param {object} param0 the watcher details
* @param {object} param0.element the state object
_reloadCm({element}) {
if (!this.getElement(this.selectors.CM, element.id)) {
const debouncedReload = this._getDebouncedReloadCm(element.id);
* Generate or get a reload CM debounced function.
* @param {Number} cmId
* @returns {Function} the debounced reload function
_getDebouncedReloadCm(cmId) {
const pendingKey = `courseformat/content:reloadCm_${cmId}`;
let debouncedReload = this.debouncedReloads.get(pendingKey);
if (debouncedReload) {
return debouncedReload;
const reload = () => {
const pendingReload = new Pending(pendingKey);
const cmitem = this.getElement(this.selectors.CM, cmId);
if (!cmitem) {
return pendingReload.resolve();
const promise = Fragment.loadFragment(
id: cmId,
courseid: Config.courseId,
sr: this.reactive.sectionReturn ?? null,
promise.then((html, js) => {
// Other state change can reload the CM or the section before this one.
if (!document.contains(cmitem)) {
return false;
Templates.replaceNode(cmitem, html, js);
return true;
}).catch(() => {
return pendingReload;
debouncedReload = debounce(
cancel: true, pending: true
this.debouncedReloads.set(pendingKey, debouncedReload);
return debouncedReload;
* Cancel the active reload CM debounced function, if any.
* @param {Number} cmId
_cancelDebouncedReloadCm(cmId) {
const pendingKey = `courseformat/content:reloadCm_${cmId}`;
const debouncedReload = this.debouncedReloads.get(pendingKey);
if (!debouncedReload) {
* Reload a course section contents.
* Section HTML is still strongly backend dependant.
* Some changes require to get a new version of the section.
* @param {details} param0 the watcher details
* @param {object} param0.element the state object
_reloadSection({element}) {
const pendingReload = new Pending(`courseformat/content:reloadSection_${element.id}`);
const sectionitem = this.getElement(this.selectors.SECTION, element.id);
if (sectionitem) {
// Cancel any pending reload because the section will reload cms too.
for (const cmId of element.cmlist) {
const promise = Fragment.loadFragment(
id: element.id,
courseid: Config.courseId,
sr: this.reactive.sectionReturn ?? null,
promise.then((html, js) => {
Templates.replaceNode(sectionitem, html, js);
}).catch(() => {
* Create a new course module item in a section.
* Thos method will append a fake item in the container and trigger an ajax request to
* replace the fake element by the real content.
* @param {Element} container the container element (section)
* @param {Number} cmid the course-module ID
* @returns {Element} the created element
_createCmItem(container, cmid) {
const newItem = document.createElement(this.selectors.ACTIVITYTAG);
newItem.dataset.for = 'cmitem';
newItem.dataset.id = cmid;
// The legacy actions.js requires a specific ID and class to refresh the CM.
newItem.id = `module-${cmid}`;
element: this.reactive.get('cm', cmid),
return newItem;
* Create a new section item.
* This method will append a fake item in the container and trigger an ajax request to
* replace the fake element by the real content.
* @param {Element} container the container element (section)
* @param {Number} sectionid the course-module ID
* @returns {Element} the created element
_createSectionItem(container, sectionid) {
const section = this.reactive.get('section', sectionid);
const newItem = document.createElement(this.selectors.SECTIONTAG);
newItem.dataset.for = 'section';
newItem.dataset.id = sectionid;
newItem.dataset.number = section.number;
// The legacy actions.js requires a specific ID and class to refresh the section.
newItem.id = `section-${sectionid}`;
element: section,
return newItem;
* Fix/reorder the section or cms order.
* @param {Element} container the HTML element to reorder.
* @param {Array} neworder an array with the ids order
* @param {string} selector the element selector
* @param {Object} dettachedelements a list of dettached elements
* @param {function} createMethod method to create missing elements
async _fixOrder(container, neworder, selector, dettachedelements, createMethod) {
if (container === undefined) {
// Empty lists should not be visible.
if (!neworder.length) {
container.innerHTML = '';
// Grant the list is visible (in case it was empty).
// Move the elements in order at the beginning of the list.
neworder.forEach((itemid, index) => {
let item = this.getElement(selector, itemid) ?? dettachedelements[itemid] ?? createMethod(container, itemid);
if (item === undefined) {
// Missing elements cannot be sorted.
// Get the current elemnt at that position.
const currentitem = container.children[index];
if (currentitem === undefined) {
if (currentitem !== item) {
container.insertBefore(item, currentitem);
// Dndupload add a fake element we need to keep.
let dndFakeActivity;
// Remove the remaining elements.
while (container.children.length > neworder.length) {
const lastchild = container.lastChild;
if (lastchild?.classList?.contains('dndupload-preview')) {
dndFakeActivity = lastchild;
} else {
dettachedelements[lastchild?.dataset?.id ?? 0] = lastchild;
// Restore dndupload fake element.
if (dndFakeActivity) {