// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* Report builder columns sorting editor
* @module core_reportbuilder/local/editor/sorting
* @copyright 2021 David Matamoros <davidmc@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
"use strict";
import $ from 'jquery';
import 'core/inplace_editable';
import Notification from 'core/notification';
import Pending from 'core/pending';
import {subscribe} from 'core/pubsub';
import SortableList from 'core/sortable_list';
import {getString} from 'core/str';
import {add as addToast} from 'core/toast';
import * as reportSelectors from 'core_reportbuilder/local/selectors';
import {reorderColumnSorting, toggleColumnSorting} from 'core_reportbuilder/local/repository/sorting';
import Templates from 'core/templates';
import {dispatchEvent} from 'core/event_dispatcher';
import * as reportEvents from 'core_reportbuilder/local/events';
// These constants match PHP consts SORT_ASC, SORT_DESC.
const SORTORDER = {
* Reload sorting settings region
* @param {Object} context
* @return {Promise}
const reloadSettingsSortingRegion = context => {
const pendingPromise = new Pending('core_reportbuilder/sorting:reload');
const settingsSortingRegion = document.querySelector(reportSelectors.regions.settingsSorting);
return Templates.renderForPromise('core_reportbuilder/local/settings/sorting', {sorting: context})
.then(({html, js}) => {
Templates.replaceNode(settingsSortingRegion, html, js);
return pendingPromise.resolve();
* Updates column sorting
* @param {Element} reportElement
* @param {Element} element
* @param {Number} sortenabled
* @param {Number} sortdirection
* @return {Promise}
const updateSorting = (reportElement, element, sortenabled, sortdirection) => {
const reportId = reportElement.dataset.reportId;
const listElement = element.closest('li');
const columnId = listElement.dataset.columnSortId;
const columnName = listElement.dataset.columnSortName;
return toggleColumnSorting(reportId, columnId, sortenabled, sortdirection)
.then(() => getString('columnsortupdated', 'core_reportbuilder', columnName))
.then(() => {
dispatchEvent(reportEvents.tableReload, {}, reportElement);
return null;
* Initialise module
* @param {Boolean} initialized Ensure we only add our listeners once
export const init = (initialized) => {
if (initialized) {
// Update sorting region each time report columns are updated (added or removed).
subscribe(reportEvents.publish.reportColumnsUpdated, data => reloadSettingsSortingRegion(data)
document.addEventListener('click', event => {
// Enable/disable sorting on columns.
const toggleSorting = event.target.closest(reportSelectors.actions.reportToggleColumnSort);
if (toggleSorting) {
const pendingPromise = new Pending('core_reportbuilder/sorting:toggle');
const reportElement = toggleSorting.closest(reportSelectors.regions.report);
const sortdirection = parseInt(toggleSorting.closest('li').dataset.columnSortDirection);
updateSorting(reportElement, toggleSorting, toggleSorting.checked, sortdirection)
.then(() => {
// Re-focus the toggle sorting element after reloading the region.
const toggleSortingElement = document.getElementById(toggleSorting.id);
return pendingPromise.resolve();
// Change column sort direction.
const toggleSortDirection = event.target.closest(reportSelectors.actions.reportToggleColumnSortDirection);
if (toggleSortDirection) {
const pendingPromise = new Pending('core_reportbuilder/sorting:direction');
const reportElement = toggleSortDirection.closest(reportSelectors.regions.report);
const listElement = toggleSortDirection.closest('li');
const toggleSorting = listElement.querySelector(reportSelectors.actions.reportToggleColumnSort);
let sortdirection = parseInt(listElement.dataset.columnSortDirection);
if (sortdirection === SORTORDER.ASCENDING) {
} else if (sortdirection === SORTORDER.DESCENDING) {
sortdirection = SORTORDER.ASCENDING;
updateSorting(reportElement, toggleSortDirection, toggleSorting.checked, sortdirection)
.then(() => {
// Re-focus the toggle sort direction element after reloading the region.
const toggleSortDirectionElement = document.getElementById(toggleSortDirection.id);
return pendingPromise.resolve();
// Initialize sortable list to handle column sorting moving (note JQuery dependency, see MDL-72293 for resolution).
var columnsSortingSortableList = new SortableList(`${reportSelectors.regions.settingsSorting} ul`, {isHorizontal: false});
columnsSortingSortableList.getElementName = element => Promise.resolve(element.data('columnSortName'));
$(document).on(SortableList.EVENTS.DROP, `${reportSelectors.regions.report} li[data-column-sort-id]`, (event, info) => {
if (info.positionChanged) {
const pendingPromise = new Pending('core_reportbuilder/sorting:reorder');
const reportElement = event.target.closest(reportSelectors.regions.report);
const columnId = info.element.data('columnSortId');
const columnPosition = info.element.data('columnSortPosition');
// Select target position, if moving to the end then count number of element siblings.
let targetColumnSortPosition = info.targetNextElement.data('columnSortPosition') || info.element.siblings().length + 2;
if (targetColumnSortPosition > columnPosition) {
// Re-order column sorting, giving drop event transition time to finish.
const reorderPromise = reorderColumnSorting(reportElement.dataset.reportId, columnId, targetColumnSortPosition);
Promise.all([reorderPromise, new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))])
.then(([data]) => reloadSettingsSortingRegion(data))
.then(() => getString('columnsortupdated', 'core_reportbuilder', info.element.data('columnSortName')))
.then(() => {
dispatchEvent(reportEvents.tableReload, {}, reportElement);
return pendingPromise.resolve();