// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* Dynamic Tabs UI element with AJAX loading of tabs content
* @module core/dynamic_tabs
* @copyright 2021 David Matamoros <davidmc@moodle.com> based on code from Marina Glancy
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
import $ from 'jquery';
import Templates from 'core/templates';
import {addIconToContainer} from 'core/loadingicon';
import Notification from 'core/notification';
import Pending from 'core/pending';
import {get_strings as getStrings} from 'core/str';
import {getContent} from 'core/local/repository/dynamic_tabs';
import {isAnyWatchedFormDirty, resetAllFormDirtyStates} from 'core_form/changechecker';
const SELECTORS = {
dynamicTabs: '.dynamictabs',
activeTab: '.dynamictabs .nav-link.active',
allActiveTabs: '.dynamictabs .nav-link[data-toggle="tab"]:not(.disabled)',
tabContent: '.dynamictabs .tab-pane [data-tab-content]',
tabToggle: 'a[data-toggle="tab"]',
tabPane: '.dynamictabs .tab-pane',
SELECTORS.forTabName = tabName => `.dynamictabs [data-tab-content="${tabName}"]`;
SELECTORS.forTabId = tabName => `.dynamictabs [data-toggle="tab"][href="#${tabName}"]`;
* Initialises the tabs view on the page (only one tabs view per page is supported)
export const init = () => {
const tabToggle = $(SELECTORS.tabToggle);
// Listen to click, warn user if they are navigating away with unsaved form changes.
tabToggle.on('click', (event) => {
if (!isAnyWatchedFormDirty()) {
{key: 'changesmade', component: 'moodle'},
{key: 'changesmadereallygoaway', component: 'moodle'},
{key: 'confirm', component: 'moodle'},
]).then(([strChangesMade, strChangesMadeReally, strConfirm]) =>
// Reset form dirty state on confirmation, re-trigger the event.
Notification.confirm(strChangesMade, strChangesMadeReally, strConfirm, null, () => {
// This code listens to Bootstrap events 'show.bs.tab' and 'shown.bs.tab' which is triggered using JQuery and
// can not be converted yet to native events.
.on('show.bs.tab', function() {
// Clean content from previous tab.
const previousTabName = getActiveTabName();
if (previousTabName) {
const previousTab = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.forTabName(previousTabName));
previousTab.textContent = '';
.on('shown.bs.tab', function() {
const tab = $($(this).attr('href'));
if (tab.length !== 1) {
if (!openTabFromHash()) {
const tabs = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.allActiveTabs);
if (tabs) {
} else {
// We may hide tabs if there is only one available, just load the contents of the first tab.
const tabPane = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.tabPane);
if (tabPane) {
tabPane.classList.add('active', 'show');
* Returns id/name of the currently active tab
* @return {String|null}
const getActiveTabName = () => {
const element = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.activeTab);
return element?.getAttribute('aria-controls') || null;
* Returns the id/name of the first tab
* @return {String|null}
const getFirstTabName = () => {
const element = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.tabContent);
return element?.dataset.tabContent || null;
* Loads contents of a tab using an AJAX request
* @param {String} tabName
const loadTab = (tabName) => {
// If tabName is not specified find the active tab, or if is not defined, the first available tab.
tabName = tabName ?? getActiveTabName() ?? getFirstTabName();
const tab = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.forTabName(tabName));
if (!tab) {
const pendingPromise = new Pending('core/dynamic_tabs:loadTab:' + tabName);
.then(() => {
let tabArgs = {...tab.dataset};
delete tabArgs.tabClass;
delete tabArgs.tabContent;
return getContent(tab.dataset.tabClass, JSON.stringify(tabArgs));
.then(response => Promise.all([
$.parseHTML(response.javascript, null, true).map(node => node.innerHTML).join("\n"),
Templates.renderForPromise(response.template, JSON.parse(response.content)),
.then(([responseJs, {html, js}]) => Templates.replaceNodeContents(tab, html, js + responseJs))
.then(() => pendingPromise.resolve())
* Return the tab given the tab name
* @param {String} tabName
* @return {HTMLElement}
const getTab = (tabName) => {
return document.querySelector(SELECTORS.forTabId(tabName));
* Return the tab pane given the tab name
* @param {String} tabName
* @return {HTMLElement}
const getTabPane = (tabName) => {
return document.getElementById(tabName);
* Open the tab on page load. If this script loads before theme_boost/tab we need to open tab ourselves
* @param {String} tabName
* @return {Boolean}
const openTab = (tabName) => {
const tab = getTab(tabName);
if (!tab) {
return false;
getTabPane(tabName).classList.add('active', 'show');
return true;
* If there is a location hash that is the same as the tab name - open this tab.
* @return {Boolean}
const openTabFromHash = () => {
const hash = document.location.hash;
if (hash.match(/^#\w+$/g)) {
return openTab(hash.replace(/^#/g, ''));
return false;