// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Template renderer for Moodle. Load and render Moodle templates with Mustache.
* @module core/templates
* @copyright 2015 Damyon Wiese <damyon@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @since 2.9
) {
// Module variables.
/** @var {Number} uniqInstances Count of times this constructor has been called. */
var uniqInstances = 0;
/** @var {String[]} templateCache - Cache of already loaded template strings */
var templateCache = {};
/** @var {Promise[]} templatePromises - Cache of already loaded template promises */
var templatePromises = {};
/** @var {Promise[]} cachePartialPromises - Cache of already loaded template partial promises */
var cachePartialPromises = {};
/** @var {Object} iconSystem - Object extending core/iconsystem */
var iconSystem = {};
/** @var {Object[]} loadTemplateBuffer - List of templates to be loaded */
var loadTemplateBuffer = [];
/** @var {Bool} isLoadingTemplates - Whether templates are currently being loaded */
var isLoadingTemplates = false;
/** @var {Array} disallowedNestedHelpers - List of helpers that can't be called within other helpers */
var disallowedNestedHelpers = ['js'];
* Normalise the provided component such that '', 'moodle', and 'core' are treated consistently.
* @param {String} component
* @returns {String}
var getNormalisedComponent = function(component) {
if (component) {
if (component !== 'moodle' && component !== 'core') {
return component;
return 'core';
* Search the various caches for a template promise for the given search key.
* The search key should be in the format <theme>/<component>/<template> e.g. boost/core/modal.
* If the template is found in any of the caches it will populate the other caches with
* the same data as well.
* @param {String} searchKey The template search key in the format <theme>/<component>/<template> e.g. boost/core/modal
* @return {Object} jQuery promise resolved with the template source
var getTemplatePromiseFromCache = function(searchKey) {
// First try the cache of promises.
if (searchKey in templatePromises) {
return templatePromises[searchKey];
// Check the module cache.
if (searchKey in templateCache) {
// Add this to the promises cache for future.
templatePromises[searchKey] = $.Deferred().resolve(templateCache[searchKey]).promise();
return templatePromises[searchKey];
if (M.cfg.templaterev <= 0) {
// Template caching is disabled. Do not store in persistent storage.
return null;
// Now try local storage.
var cached = storage.get('core_template/' + M.cfg.templaterev + ':' + searchKey);
if (cached) {
// Add this to the module cache for future.
templateCache[searchKey] = cached;
// Add this to the promises cache for future.
templatePromises[searchKey] = $.Deferred().resolve(cached).promise();
return templatePromises[searchKey];
return null;
* Take all of the templates waiting in the buffer and load them from the server
* or from the cache.
* All of the templates that need to be loaded from the server will be batched up
* and sent in a single network request.
var processLoadTemplateBuffer = function() {
if (!loadTemplateBuffer.length) {
if (isLoadingTemplates) {
isLoadingTemplates = true;
// Grab any templates waiting in the buffer.
var templatesToLoad = loadTemplateBuffer.slice();
// This will be resolved with the list of promises for the server request.
var serverRequestsDeferred = $.Deferred();
var requests = [];
// Get a list of promises for each of the templates we need to load.
var templatePromises = templatesToLoad.map(function(templateData) {
var component = getNormalisedComponent(templateData.component);
var name = templateData.name;
var searchKey = templateData.searchKey;
var theme = templateData.theme;
var templateDeferred = templateData.deferred;
var promise = null;
// Double check to see if this template happened to have landed in the
// cache as a dependency of an earlier template.
var cachedPromise = getTemplatePromiseFromCache(searchKey);
if (cachedPromise) {
// We've seen this template so immediately resolve the existing promise.
promise = cachedPromise;
} else {
// We haven't seen this template yet so we need to request it from
// the server.
methodname: 'core_output_load_template_with_dependencies',
args: {
component: component,
template: name,
themename: theme,
lang: config.language,
// Remember the index in the requests list for this template so that
// we can get the appropriate promise back.
var index = requests.length - 1;
// The server deferred will be resolved with a list of all of the promises
// that were sent in the order that they were added to the requests array.
promise = serverRequestsDeferred.promise()
.then(function(promises) {
// The promise for this template will be the one that matches the index
// for it's entry in the requests array.
// Make sure the promise is added to the promises cache for this template
// search key so that we don't request it again.
templatePromises[searchKey] = promises[index].then(function(response) {
var templateSource = null;
// Process all of the template dependencies for this template and add
// them to the caches so that we don't request them again later.
response.templates.forEach(function(data) {
data.component = getNormalisedComponent(data.component);
// Generate the search key for this template in the response so that we
// can add it to the caches.
var tempSearchKey = [theme, data.component, data.name].join('/');
// Cache all of the dependent templates because we'll need them to render
// the requested template.
templateCache[tempSearchKey] = data.value;
if (M.cfg.templaterev > 0) {
// The template cache is enabled - set the value there.
storage.set('core_template/' + M.cfg.templaterev + ':' + tempSearchKey, data.value);
if (data.component == component && data.name == name) {
// This is the original template that was requested so remember it to return.
templateSource = data.value;
if (response.strings.length) {
// If we have strings that the template needs then warm the string cache
// with them now so that we don't need to re-fetch them.
str.cache_strings(response.strings.map(function(data) {
return {
component: getNormalisedComponent(data.component),
key: data.name,
value: data.value
// Return the original template source that the user requested.
return templateSource;
return templatePromises[searchKey];
return promise
.then(function(source) {
// When we've successfully loaded the template then resolve the deferred
// in the buffer so that all of the calling code can proceed.
return templateDeferred.resolve(source);
.catch(function(error) {
// If there was an error loading the template then reject the deferred
// in the buffer so that all of the calling code can proceed.
// Rethrow for anyone else listening.
throw error;
if (requests.length) {
// We have requests to send so resolve the deferred with the promises.
serverRequestsDeferred.resolve(ajax.call(requests, true, false, false, 0, M.cfg.templaterev));
} else {
// Nothing to load so we can resolve our deferred.
// Once we've finished loading all of the templates then recurse to process
// any templates that may have been added to the buffer in the time that we
// were fetching.
$.when.apply(null, templatePromises)
.then(function() {
// Remove the templates we've loaded from the buffer.
loadTemplateBuffer.splice(0, templatesToLoad.length);
isLoadingTemplates = false;
.catch(function() {
// Remove the templates we've loaded from the buffer.
loadTemplateBuffer.splice(0, templatesToLoad.length);
isLoadingTemplates = false;
* Constructor
* Each call to templates.render gets it's own instance of this class.
var Renderer = function() {
this.requiredStrings = [];
this.requiredJS = [];
this.requiredDates = [];
this.currentThemeName = '';
// Class variables and functions.
/** @var {string[]} requiredStrings - Collection of strings found during the rendering of one template */
Renderer.prototype.requiredStrings = null;
/** @var {object[]} requiredDates - Collection of dates found during the rendering of one template */
Renderer.prototype.requiredDates = [];
/** @var {string[]} requiredJS - Collection of js blocks found during the rendering of one template */
Renderer.prototype.requiredJS = null;
/** @var {String} themeName for the current render */
Renderer.prototype.currentThemeName = '';
* Load a template.
* @method getTemplate
* @private
* @param {string} templateName - should consist of the component and the name of the template like this:
* core/menu (lib/templates/menu.mustache) or
* tool_bananas/yellow (admin/tool/bananas/templates/yellow.mustache)
* @return {Promise} JQuery promise object resolved when the template has been fetched.
Renderer.prototype.getTemplate = function(templateName) {
var currentTheme = this.currentThemeName;
var searchKey = currentTheme + '/' + templateName;
// If we haven't already seen this template then buffer it.
var cachedPromise = getTemplatePromiseFromCache(searchKey);
if (cachedPromise) {
return cachedPromise;
// Check the buffer to see if this template has already been added.
var existingBufferRecords = loadTemplateBuffer.filter(function(record) {
return record.searchKey == searchKey;
if (existingBufferRecords.length) {
// This template is already in the buffer so just return the existing
// promise. No need to add it to the buffer again.
return existingBufferRecords[0].deferred.promise();
// This is the first time this has been requested so let's add it to the buffer
// to be loaded.
var parts = templateName.split('/');
var component = getNormalisedComponent(parts.shift());
var name = parts.join('/');
var deferred = $.Deferred();
// Add this template to the buffer to be loaded.
component: component,
name: name,
theme: currentTheme,
searchKey: searchKey,
deferred: deferred
// We know there is at least one thing in the buffer so kick off a processing run.
return deferred.promise();
* Prefetch a set of templates without rendering them.
* @param {Array} templateNames The list of templates to fetch
* @param {String} currentTheme
Renderer.prototype.prefetchTemplates = function(templateNames, currentTheme) {
templateNames.forEach(function(templateName) {
var searchKey = currentTheme + '/' + templateName;
// If we haven't already seen this template then buffer it.
if (getTemplatePromiseFromCache(searchKey)) {
// Check the buffer to see if this template has already been added.
var existingBufferRecords = loadTemplateBuffer.filter(function(record) {
return record.searchKey == searchKey;
if (existingBufferRecords.length) {
// This template is already in the buffer so just return the existing promise.
// No need to add it to the buffer again.
// This is the first time this has been requested so let's add it to the buffer to be loaded.
var parts = templateName.split('/');
var component = getNormalisedComponent(parts.shift());
var name = parts.join('/');
// Add this template to the buffer to be loaded.
component: component,
name: name,
theme: currentTheme,
searchKey: searchKey,
deferred: $.Deferred(),
* Load a partial from the cache or ajax.
* @method partialHelper
* @private
* @param {string} name The partial name to load.
* @return {string}
Renderer.prototype.partialHelper = function(name) {
var searchKey = this.currentThemeName + '/' + name;
if (!(searchKey in templateCache)) {
notification.exception(new Error('Failed to pre-fetch the template: ' + name));
return templateCache[searchKey];
* Render a single image icon.
* @method renderIcon
* @private
* @param {string} key The icon key.
* @param {string} component The component name.
* @param {string} title The icon title
* @return {Promise}
Renderer.prototype.renderIcon = function(key, component, title) {
// Preload the module to do the icon rendering based on the theme iconsystem.
var modulename = config.iconsystemmodule;
component = getNormalisedComponent(component);
// RequireJS does not return a promise.
var ready = $.Deferred();
require([modulename], function(System) {
var system = new System();
if (!(system instanceof IconSystem)) {
ready.reject('Invalid icon system specified' + config.iconsystemmodule);
} else {
iconSystem = system;
return ready.then(function(iconSystem) {
return this.getTemplate(iconSystem.getTemplateName());
}.bind(this)).then(function(template) {
return iconSystem.renderIcon(
* Render image icons.
* @method pixHelper
* @private
* @param {object} context The mustache context
* @param {string} sectionText The text to parse arguments from.
* @param {function} helper Used to render the alt attribute of the text.
* @return {string}
Renderer.prototype.pixHelper = function(context, sectionText, helper) {
var parts = sectionText.split(',');
var key = '';
var component = '';
var text = '';
if (parts.length > 0) {
key = helper(parts.shift().trim(), context);
if (parts.length > 0) {
component = helper(parts.shift().trim(), context);
if (parts.length > 0) {
text = helper(parts.join(',').trim(), context);
var templateName = iconSystem.getTemplateName();
var searchKey = this.currentThemeName + '/' + templateName;
var template = templateCache[searchKey];
component = getNormalisedComponent(component);
// The key might have been escaped by the JS Mustache engine which
// converts forward slashes to HTML entities. Let us undo that here.
key = key.replace(///gi, '/');
return iconSystem.renderIcon(
* Render blocks of javascript and save them in an array.
* @method jsHelper
* @private
* @param {object} context The current mustache context.
* @param {string} sectionText The text to save as a js block.
* @param {function} helper Used to render the block.
* @return {string}
Renderer.prototype.jsHelper = function(context, sectionText, helper) {
this.requiredJS.push(helper(sectionText, context));
return '';
* String helper used to render {{#str}}abd component { a : 'fish'}{{/str}}
* into a get_string call.
* @method stringHelper
* @private
* @param {object} context The current mustache context.
* @param {string} sectionText The text to parse the arguments from.
* @param {function} helper Used to render subsections of the text.
* @return {string}
Renderer.prototype.stringHelper = function(context, sectionText, helper) {
var parts = sectionText.split(',');
var key = '';
var component = '';
var param = '';
if (parts.length > 0) {
key = parts.shift().trim();
if (parts.length > 0) {
component = parts.shift().trim();
if (parts.length > 0) {
param = parts.join(',').trim();
component = getNormalisedComponent(component);
if (param !== '') {
// Allow variable expansion in the param part only.
param = helper(param, context);
// Allow json formatted $a arguments.
if (param.match(/^{\s*"/gm)) {
// If it can't be parsed then the string is not a JSON format.
try {
const parsedParam = JSON.parse(param);
// Handle non-exception-throwing cases, e.g. null, integer, boolean.
if (parsedParam && typeof parsedParam === "object") {
param = parsedParam;
} catch (err) {
// This was probably not JSON.
// Keep the error message visible.
var index = this.requiredStrings.length;
key: key,
component: component,
param: param
// The placeholder must not use {{}} as those can be misinterpreted by the engine.
return '[[_s' + index + ']]';
* String helper to render {{#cleanstr}}abd component { a : 'fish'}{{/cleanstr}}
* into a get_string following by an HTML escape.
* @method cleanStringHelper
* @private
* @param {object} context The current mustache context.
* @param {string} sectionText The text to parse the arguments from.
* @param {function} helper Used to render subsections of the text.
* @return {string}
Renderer.prototype.cleanStringHelper = function(context, sectionText, helper) {
var str = this.stringHelper(context, sectionText, helper);
// We're going to use [[_cx]] format for clean strings, where x is a number.
// Hence, replacing 's' with 'c' in the placeholder that stringHelper returns.
return str.replace('s', 'c');
* Quote helper used to wrap content in quotes, and escape all special JSON characters present in the content.
* @method quoteHelper
* @private
* @param {object} context The current mustache context.
* @param {string} sectionText The text to parse the arguments from.
* @param {function} helper Used to render subsections of the text.
* @return {string}
Renderer.prototype.quoteHelper = function(context, sectionText, helper) {
var content = helper(sectionText.trim(), context);
// Escape the {{ and JSON encode.
// This involves wrapping {{, and }} in change delimeter tags.
content = JSON.stringify(content);
content = content.replace(/([{}]{2,3})/g, '{{=<% %>=}}$1<%={{ }}=%>');
return content;
* Shorten text helper to truncate text and append a trailing ellipsis.
* @method shortenTextHelper
* @private
* @param {object} context The current mustache context.
* @param {string} sectionText The text to parse the arguments from.
* @param {function} helper Used to render subsections of the text.
* @return {string}
Renderer.prototype.shortenTextHelper = function(context, sectionText, helper) {
// Non-greedy split on comma to grab section text into the length and
// text parts.
var regex = /(.*?),(.*)/;
var parts = sectionText.match(regex);
// The length is the part matched in the first set of parethesis.
var length = parts[1].trim();
// The length is the part matched in the second set of parethesis.
var text = parts[2].trim();
var content = helper(text, context);
return Truncate.truncate(content, {
length: length,
words: true,
ellipsis: '...'
* User date helper to render user dates from timestamps.
* @method userDateHelper
* @private
* @param {object} context The current mustache context.
* @param {string} sectionText The text to parse the arguments from.
* @param {function} helper Used to render subsections of the text.
* @return {string}
Renderer.prototype.userDateHelper = function(context, sectionText, helper) {
// Non-greedy split on comma to grab the timestamp and format.
var regex = /(.*?),(.*)/;
var parts = sectionText.match(regex);
var timestamp = helper(parts[1].trim(), context);
var format = helper(parts[2].trim(), context);
var index = this.requiredDates.length;
timestamp: timestamp,
format: format
return '[[_t_' + index + ']]';
* Return a helper function to be added to the context for rendering the a
* template.
* This will parse the provided text before giving it to the helper function
* in order to remove any disallowed nested helpers to prevent one helper
* from calling another.
* In particular to prevent the JS helper from being called from within another
* helper because it can lead to security issues when the JS portion is user
* provided.
* @param {function} helperFunction The helper function to add
* @param {object} context The template context for the helper function
* @return {Function} To be set in the context
Renderer.prototype.addHelperFunction = function(helperFunction, context) {
return function() {
return function(sectionText, helper) {
// Override the disallowed helpers in the template context with
// a function that returns an empty string for use when executing
// other helpers. This is to prevent these helpers from being
// executed as part of the rendering of another helper in order to
// prevent any potential security issues.
var originalHelpers = disallowedNestedHelpers.reduce(function(carry, name) {
if (context.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
carry[name] = context[name];
return carry;
}, {});
disallowedNestedHelpers.forEach(function(helperName) {
context[helperName] = function() {
return '';
// Execute the helper with the modified context that doesn't include
// the disallowed nested helpers. This prevents the disallowed
// helpers from being called from within other helpers.
var result = helperFunction.apply(this, [context, sectionText, helper]);
// Restore the original helper implementation in the context so that
// any further rendering has access to them again.
for (var name in originalHelpers) {
context[name] = originalHelpers[name];
return result;
* Add some common helper functions to all context objects passed to templates.
* These helpers match exactly the helpers available in php.
* @method addHelpers
* @private
* @param {Object} context Simple types used as the context for the template.
* @param {String} themeName We set this multiple times, because there are async calls.
Renderer.prototype.addHelpers = function(context, themeName) {
this.currentThemeName = themeName;
this.requiredStrings = [];
this.requiredJS = [];
context.uniqid = (uniqInstances++);
context.str = this.addHelperFunction(this.stringHelper, context);
context.cleanstr = this.addHelperFunction(this.cleanStringHelper, context);
context.pix = this.addHelperFunction(this.pixHelper, context);
context.js = this.addHelperFunction(this.jsHelper, context);
context.quote = this.addHelperFunction(this.quoteHelper, context);
context.shortentext = this.addHelperFunction(this.shortenTextHelper, context);
context.userdate = this.addHelperFunction(this.userDateHelper, context);
context.globals = {config: config};
context.currentTheme = themeName;
* Get all the JS blocks from the last rendered template.
* @method getJS
* @private
* @return {string}
Renderer.prototype.getJS = function() {
var js = '';
if (this.requiredJS.length > 0) {
js = this.requiredJS.join(";\n");
return js;
* Treat strings in content.
* The purpose of this method is to replace the placeholders found in a string
* with the their respective translated strings.
* Previously we were relying on String.replace() but the complexity increased with
* the numbers of strings to replace. Now we manually walk the string and stop at each
* placeholder we find, only then we replace it. Most of the time we will
* replace all the placeholders in a single run, at times we will need a few
* more runs when placeholders are replaced with strings that contain placeholders
* themselves.
* @param {String} content The content in which string placeholders are to be found.
* @param {Array} strings The strings to replace with.
* @return {String} The treated content.
Renderer.prototype.treatStringsInContent = function(content, strings) {
var pattern = /\[\[_(s|c)\d+\]\]/,
do {
treated = '';
index = content.search(pattern);
while (index > -1) {
// Copy the part prior to the placeholder to the treated string.
treated += content.substring(0, index);
content = content.substr(index);
isClean = content[3] == 'c';
strIndex = '';
walker = 4; // 4 is the length of either '[[_s' or '[[_c'.
// Walk the characters to manually extract the index of the string from the placeholder.
char = content.substr(walker, 1);
do {
strIndex += char;
char = content.substr(walker, 1);
} while (char != ']');
// Get the string, add it to the treated result, and remove the placeholder from the content to treat.
strFinal = strings[parseInt(strIndex, 10)];
if (typeof strFinal === 'undefined') {
Log.debug('Could not find string for pattern [[_' + (isClean ? 'c' : 's') + strIndex + ']].');
strFinal = '';
if (isClean) {
strFinal = mustache.escape(strFinal);
treated += strFinal;
content = content.substr(6 + strIndex.length); // 6 is the length of the placeholder without the index.
// That's either '[[_s]]' or '[[_c]]'.
// Find the next placeholder.
index = content.search(pattern);
// The content becomes the treated part with the rest of the content.
content = treated + content;
// Check if we need to walk the content again, in case strings contained placeholders.
index = content.search(pattern);
} while (index > -1);
return content;
* Treat strings in content.
* The purpose of this method is to replace the date placeholders found in the
* content with the their respective translated dates.
* @param {String} content The content in which string placeholders are to be found.
* @param {Array} dates The dates to replace with.
* @return {String} The treated content.
Renderer.prototype.treatDatesInContent = function(content, dates) {
dates.forEach(function(date, index) {
var key = '\\[\\[_t_' + index + '\\]\\]';
var re = new RegExp(key, 'g');
content = content.replace(re, date);
return content;
* Render a template and then call the callback with the result.
* @method doRender
* @private
* @param {string} templateSource The mustache template to render.
* @param {Object} context Simple types used as the context for the template.
* @param {String} themeName Name of the current theme.
* @return {Promise} object
Renderer.prototype.doRender = function(templateSource, context, themeName) {
this.currentThemeName = themeName;
var iconTemplate = iconSystem.getTemplateName();
var pendingPromise = new Pending('core/templates:doRender');
return this.getTemplate(iconTemplate).then(function() {
this.addHelpers(context, themeName);
var result = mustache.render(templateSource, context, this.partialHelper.bind(this));
return $.Deferred().resolve(result.trim(), this.getJS()).promise();
.then(function(html, js) {
if (this.requiredStrings.length > 0) {
return str.get_strings(this.requiredStrings).then(function(strings) {
// Make sure string substitutions are done for the userdate
// values as well.
this.requiredDates = this.requiredDates.map(function(date) {
return {
timestamp: this.treatStringsInContent(date.timestamp, strings),
format: this.treatStringsInContent(date.format, strings)
// Why do we not do another call the render here?
// Because that would expose DOS holes. E.g.
// I create an assignment called "{{fish" which
// would get inserted in the template in the first pass
// and cause the template to die on the second pass (unbalanced).
html = this.treatStringsInContent(html, strings);
js = this.treatStringsInContent(js, strings);
return $.Deferred().resolve(html, js).promise();
return $.Deferred().resolve(html, js).promise();
.then(function(html, js) {
// This has to happen after the strings replacement because you can
// use the string helper in content for the user date helper.
if (this.requiredDates.length > 0) {
return UserDate.get(this.requiredDates).then(function(dates) {
html = this.treatDatesInContent(html, dates);
js = this.treatDatesInContent(js, dates);
return $.Deferred().resolve(html, js).promise();
return $.Deferred().resolve(html, js).promise();
.then(function(html, js) {
return $.Deferred().resolve(html, js).promise();
* Execute a block of JS returned from a template.
* Call this AFTER adding the template HTML into the DOM so the nodes can be found.
* @method runTemplateJS
* @param {string} source - A block of javascript.
var runTemplateJS = function(source) {
if (source.trim() !== '') {
var newscript = $('<script>').attr('type', 'text/javascript').html(source);
* Do some DOM replacement and trigger correct events and fire javascript.
* @method domReplace
* @private
* @param {JQuery} element - Element or selector to replace.
* @param {String} newHTML - HTML to insert / replace.
* @param {String} newJS - Javascript to run after the insertion.
* @param {Boolean} replaceChildNodes - Replace only the childnodes, alternative is to replace the entire node.
* @return {Array} The list of new DOM Nodes
* @fires event:filterContentUpdated
var domReplace = function(element, newHTML, newJS, replaceChildNodes) {
var replaceNode = $(element);
if (replaceNode.length) {
// First create the dom nodes so we have a reference to them.
var newNodes = $(newHTML);
var yuiNodes = null;
// Do the replacement in the page.
if (replaceChildNodes) {
// Cleanup any YUI event listeners attached to any of these nodes.
yuiNodes = new Y.NodeList(replaceNode.children().get());
// JQuery will cleanup after itself.
} else {
// Cleanup any YUI event listeners attached to any of these nodes.
yuiNodes = new Y.NodeList(replaceNode.get());
// JQuery will cleanup after itself.
// Run any javascript associated with the new HTML.
// Notify all filters about the new content.
return newNodes.get();
return [];
* Scan a template source for partial tags and return a list of the found partials.
* @method scanForPartials
* @private
* @param {string} templateSource - source template to scan.
* @return {Array} List of partials.
Renderer.prototype.scanForPartials = function(templateSource) {
var tokens = mustache.parse(templateSource),
partials = [];
var findPartial = function(tokens, partials) {
var i, token;
for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
token = tokens[i];
if (token[0] == '>' || token[0] == '<') {
if (token.length > 4) {
findPartial(token[4], partials);
findPartial(tokens, partials);
return partials;
* Load a template and scan it for partials. Recursively fetch the partials.
* @method cachePartials
* @private
* @param {string} templateName - should consist of the component and the name of the template like this:
* core/menu (lib/templates/menu.mustache) or
* tool_bananas/yellow (admin/tool/bananas/templates/yellow.mustache)
* @param {Array} parentage - A list of requested partials in this render chain.
* @return {Promise} JQuery promise object resolved when all partials are in the cache.
Renderer.prototype.cachePartials = function(templateName, parentage) {
var searchKey = this.currentThemeName + '/' + templateName;
if (searchKey in cachePartialPromises) {
return cachePartialPromises[searchKey];
// This promise will not be resolved until all child partials are also resolved and ready.
// We create it here to allow us to check for recursive inclusion of templates.
// Keep track of the requested partials in this chain.
parentage = parentage || [searchKey];
cachePartialPromises[searchKey] = $.Deferred();
.then(function(templateSource) {
var partials = this.scanForPartials(templateSource);
var uniquePartials = partials.filter(function(partialName) {
// Check for recursion.
if (parentage.indexOf(this.currentThemeName + '/' + partialName) >= 0) {
// Ignore templates which include a parent template already requested in the current chain.
return false;
// Ignore templates that include themselves.
return partialName != templateName;
// Fetch any partial which has not already been fetched.
var fetchThemAll = uniquePartials.map(function(partialName) {
parentage.push(this.currentThemeName + '/' + partialName);
return this.cachePartials(partialName, parentage);
// Resolve the templateName promise when all of the children are resolved.
return $.when.apply($, fetchThemAll)
.then(function() {
return cachePartialPromises[searchKey].resolve(templateSource);
return cachePartialPromises[searchKey];
* Load a template and call doRender on it.
* @method render
* @private
* @param {string} templateName - should consist of the component and the name of the template like this:
* core/menu (lib/templates/menu.mustache) or
* tool_bananas/yellow (admin/tool/bananas/templates/yellow.mustache)
* @param {Object} context - Could be array, string or simple value for the context of the template.
* @param {string} themeName - Name of the current theme.
* @return {Promise} JQuery promise object resolved when the template has been rendered.
Renderer.prototype.render = function(templateName, context, themeName) {
if (typeof (themeName) === "undefined") {
// System context by default.
themeName = config.theme;
this.currentThemeName = themeName;
// Preload the module to do the icon rendering based on the theme iconsystem.
var modulename = config.iconsystemmodule;
var ready = $.Deferred();
require([modulename], function(System) {
var system = new System();
if (!(system instanceof IconSystem)) {
ready.reject('Invalid icon system specified' + config.iconsystem);
} else {
iconSystem = system;
return ready.then(function() {
return this.cachePartials(templateName);
}.bind(this)).then(function(templateSource) {
return this.doRender(templateSource, context, themeName);
* Prepend some HTML to a node and trigger events and fire javascript.
* @method domPrepend
* @private
* @param {jQuery|String} element - Element or selector to prepend HTML to
* @param {String} html - HTML to prepend
* @param {String} js - Javascript to run after we prepend the html
* @return {Array} The list of new DOM Nodes
* @fires event:filterContentUpdated
var domPrepend = function(element, html, js) {
var node = $(element);
if (node.length) {
// Prepend the html.
var newContent = $(html);
// Run any javascript associated with the new HTML.
// Notify all filters about the new content.
return newContent.get();
return [];
* Append some HTML to a node and trigger events and fire javascript.
* @method domAppend
* @private
* @param {jQuery|String} element - Element or selector to append HTML to
* @param {String} html - HTML to append
* @param {String} js - Javascript to run after we append the html
* @return {Array} The list of new DOM Nodes
* @fires event:filterContentUpdated
var domAppend = function(element, html, js) {
var node = $(element);
if (node.length) {
// Append the html.
var newContent = $(html);
// Run any javascript associated with the new HTML.
// Notify all filters about the new content.
return newContent.get();
return [];
return /** @alias module:core/templates */ {
// Public variables and functions.
* Every call to render creates a new instance of the class and calls render on it. This
* means each render call has it's own class variables.
* @method render
* @private
* @param {string} templateName - should consist of the component and the name of the template like this:
* core/menu (lib/templates/menu.mustache) or
* tool_bananas/yellow (admin/tool/bananas/templates/yellow.mustache)
* @param {Object} context - Could be array, string or simple value for the context of the template.
* @param {string} themeName - Name of the current theme.
* @return {Promise} JQuery promise object resolved when the template has been rendered.
render: function(templateName, context, themeName) {
var renderer = new Renderer();
return renderer.render(templateName, context, themeName);
* Prefetch a set of templates without rendering them.
* @method getTemplate
* @param {Array} templateNames The list of templates to fetch
* @param {String} themeName
* @returns {Promise}
prefetchTemplates: function(templateNames, themeName) {
var renderer = new Renderer();
if (typeof themeName === "undefined") {
// System context by default.
themeName = config.theme;
return renderer.prefetchTemplates(templateNames, themeName);
* Every call to render creates a new instance of the class and calls render on it. This
* means each render call has it's own class variables.
* This alernate to the standard .render() function returns the html and js in a single object suitable for a
* native Promise.
* @method renderForPromise
* @private
* @param {string} templateName - should consist of the component and the name of the template like this:
* core/menu (lib/templates/menu.mustache) or
* tool_bananas/yellow (admin/tool/bananas/templates/yellow.mustache)
* @param {Object} context - Could be array, string or simple value for the context of the template.
* @param {string} themeName - Name of the current theme.
* @return {Promise} JQuery promise object resolved when the template has been rendered.
renderForPromise: function(templateName, context, themeName) {
var renderer = new Renderer();
return renderer.render(templateName, context, themeName)
.then(function(html, js) {
return {
html: html,
js: js,
* Every call to renderIcon creates a new instance of the class and calls renderIcon on it. This
* means each render call has it's own class variables.
* @method renderIcon
* @public
* @param {string} key - Icon key.
* @param {string} component - Icon component
* @param {string} title - Icon title
* @return {Promise} JQuery promise object resolved when the pix has been rendered.
renderPix: function(key, component, title) {
var renderer = new Renderer();
return renderer.renderIcon(
* Execute a block of JS returned from a template.
* Call this AFTER adding the template HTML into the DOM so the nodes can be found.
* @method runTemplateJS
* @param {string} source - A block of javascript.
runTemplateJS: runTemplateJS,
* Replace a node in the page with some new HTML and run the JS.
* @method replaceNodeContents
* @param {JQuery} element - Element or selector to replace.
* @param {String} newHTML - HTML to insert / replace.
* @param {String} newJS - Javascript to run after the insertion.
* @return {Array} The list of new DOM Nodes
replaceNodeContents: function(element, newHTML, newJS) {
return domReplace(element, newHTML, newJS, true);
* Insert a node in the page with some new HTML and run the JS.
* @method replaceNode
* @param {JQuery} element - Element or selector to replace.
* @param {String} newHTML - HTML to insert / replace.
* @param {String} newJS - Javascript to run after the insertion.
* @return {Array} The list of new DOM Nodes
replaceNode: function(element, newHTML, newJS) {
return domReplace(element, newHTML, newJS, false);
* Prepend some HTML to a node and trigger events and fire javascript.
* @method prependNodeContents
* @param {jQuery|String} element - Element or selector to prepend HTML to
* @param {String} html - HTML to prepend
* @param {String} js - Javascript to run after we prepend the html
* @return {Array} The list of new DOM Nodes
prependNodeContents: function(element, html, js) {
return domPrepend(element, html, js);
* Append some HTML to a node and trigger events and fire javascript.
* @method appendNodeContents
* @param {jQuery|String} element - Element or selector to append HTML to
* @param {String} html - HTML to append
* @param {String} js - Javascript to run after we append the html
* @return {Array} The list of new DOM Nodes
appendNodeContents: function(element, html, js) {
return domAppend(element, html, js);