
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * This module provides change detection to forms, allowing a browser to warn the user before navigating away if changes
 * have been made.
 * Two flags are stored for each form:
 * * a 'dirty' flag; and
 * * a 'submitted' flag.
 * When the page is unloaded each watched form is checked. If the 'dirty' flag is set for any form, and the 'submitted'
 * flag is not set for any form, then a warning is shown.
 * The 'dirty' flag is set when any form element is modified within a watched form.
 * The flag can also be set programatically. This may be required for custom form elements.
 * It is not possible to customise the warning message in any modern browser.
 * Please note that some browsers have controls on when these alerts may or may not be shown.
 * See {@link} for browser-specific
 * notes and references.
 * @module     core_form/changechecker
 * @copyright  2021 Andrew Lyons <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @example <caption>Usage where the FormElement is already held</caption>
 * import {watchForm} from 'core_form/changechecker';
 * // Fetch the form element somehow.
 * watchForm(formElement);
 * @example <caption>Usage from the child of a form - i.e. an input, button, div, etc.</caption>
 * import {watchForm} from 'core_form/changechecker';
 * // Watch the form by using a child of it.
 * watchForm(document.querySelector('input[data-foo="bar"]'););
 * @example <caption>Usage from within a template</caption>
 * <form id="mod_example-entry-{{uniqid}}" ...>
 *   <!--
 *   -->
 * </form>
 * {{#js}}
 * require(['core_form/changechecker'], function(changeChecker) {
 *     watchFormById('mod_example-entry-{{uniqid}}');
 * });
 * {{/js}}

import {eventTypes} from 'core_editor/events';
import {get_string as getString} from 'core/str';

 * @property {Bool} initialised Whether the change checker has been initialised
 * @private
let initialised = false;

 * @property {String} warningString The warning string to show on form change failure
 * @private
let warningString;

 * @property {Array} watchedForms The list of watched forms
 * @private
let watchedForms = [];

 * @property {Bool} formChangeCheckerDisabled Whether the form change checker has been actively disabled
 * @private
let formChangeCheckerDisabled = false;

 * Get the nearest form element from a child element.
 * @param {HTMLElement} formChild
 * @returns {HTMLFormElement|null}
 * @private
const getFormFromChild = formChild => formChild.closest('form');

 * Watch the specified form for changes.
 * @method
 * @param   {HTMLElement} formNode
export const watchForm = formNode => {
    // Normalise the formNode.
    formNode = getFormFromChild(formNode);

    if (!formNode) {
         // No form found.

    if (isWatchingForm(formNode)) {
        // This form is already watched.


 * Stop watching the specified form for changes.
 * If the form was not watched, then no change is made.
 * A child of the form may be passed instead.
 * @method
 * @param   {HTMLElement} formNode
 * @example <caption>Stop watching a form for changes</caption>
 * import {unWatchForm} from 'core_form/changechecker';
 * // ...
 * document.addEventListener('click', e => {
 *     if ('[data-action="changePage"]')) {
 *         unWatchForm(;
 *     }
 * });
export const unWatchForm = formNode => {
    watchedForms = watchedForms.filter(watchedForm => !!watchedForm.contains(formNode));

 * Reset the 'dirty' flag for all watched forms.
 * If a form was previously marked as 'dirty', then this flag will be cleared and when the page is unloaded no warning
 * will be shown.
 * @method
export const resetAllFormDirtyStates = () => {
    watchedForms.forEach(watchedForm => {
        watchedForm.dataset.formSubmitted = "false";
        watchedForm.dataset.formDirty = "false";

 * Reset the 'dirty' flag of the specified form.
 * @method
 * @param   {HTMLElement} formNode
export const resetFormDirtyState = formNode => {
    formNode = getFormFromChild(formNode);

    if (!formNode) {

    formNode.dataset.formSubmitted = "false";
    formNode.dataset.formDirty = "false";

 * Mark all forms as dirty.
 * This function is only for backwards-compliance with the old YUI module and should not be used in any other situation.
 * It will be removed in Moodle 4.4.
 * @method
export const markAllFormsAsDirty = () => {
    watchedForms.forEach(watchedForm => {
        watchedForm.dataset.formDirty = "true";

 * Mark a specific form as dirty.
 * This behaviour may be required for custom form elements which are not caught by the standard change listeners.
 * @method
 * @param   {HTMLElement} formNode
export const markFormAsDirty = formNode => {
    formNode = getFormFromChild(formNode);

    if (!formNode) {

    // Mark it as dirty.
    formNode.dataset.formDirty = "true";

 * Actively disable the form change checker.
 * Please note that it cannot be re-enabled once disabled.
 * @method
export const disableAllChecks = () => {
    formChangeCheckerDisabled = true;

 * Check whether any watched from is dirty.
 * @method
 * @returns {Bool}
export const isAnyWatchedFormDirty = () => {
    if (formChangeCheckerDisabled) {
        // The form change checker is disabled.
        return false;

    const hasSubmittedForm = watchedForms.some(watchedForm => watchedForm.dataset.formSubmitted === "true");
    if (hasSubmittedForm) {
        // Do not warn about submitted forms, ever.
        return false;

    const hasDirtyForm = watchedForms.some(watchedForm => {
        if (!watchedForm.isConnected) {
            // The watched form is not connected to the DOM.
            return false;

        if (watchedForm.dataset.formDirty === "true") {
            // The form has been marked as dirty.
            return true;

        // Elements currently holding focus will not have triggered change detection.
        // Check whether the value matches the original value upon form load.
        if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.dataset.propertyIsEnumerable('initialValue')) {
            const isActiveElementWatched = isWatchingForm(document.activeElement);
            const hasValueChanged = document.activeElement.dataset.initialValue !== document.activeElement.value;

            if (isActiveElementWatched && hasValueChanged) {
                return true;

        return false;

    if (hasDirtyForm) {
        // At least one form is dirty.
        return true;

    // Handle TinyMCE editor instances.
    // TinyMCE forms may not have been initialised at the time that startWatching is called.
    // Check whether any tinyMCE editor is dirty.
    if (typeof window.tinyMCE !== 'undefined' && window.tinyMCE.editors) {
        if (window.tinyMCE.editors.some(editor => editor.isDirty())) {
            return true;

    // No dirty forms detected.
    return false;

 * Get the watched form for the specified target.
 * @method
 * @param   {HTMLNode} target
 * @returns {HTMLFormElement}
 * @private
const getFormForNode = target => watchedForms.find(watchedForm => watchedForm.contains(target));

 * Whether the specified target is a watched form.
 * @method
 * @param   {HTMLNode} target
 * @returns {Bool}
 * @private
const isWatchingForm = target => watchedForms.some(watchedForm => watchedForm.contains(target));

 * Whether the specified target should ignore changes or not.
 * @method
 * @param   {HTMLNode} target
 * @returns {Bool}
 * @private
const shouldIgnoreChangesForNode = target => !!target.closest('.ignoredirty');

 * Mark a form as changed.
 * @method
 * @param   {HTMLElement} changedNode An element in the form which was changed
export const markFormChangedFromNode = changedNode => {
    if (changedNode.dataset.formChangeCheckerOverride) {
        // Changes to this form node disable the form change checker entirely.
        // This is intended for select fields which cause an immediate redirect.

    if (!isWatchingForm(changedNode)) {

    if (shouldIgnoreChangesForNode(changedNode)) {

    // Mark the form as dirty.
    const formNode = getFormForNode(changedNode);
    formNode.dataset.formDirty = "true";

 * Mark a form as submitted.
 * @method
 * @param   {HTMLElement} formNode An element in the form to mark as submitted
export const markFormSubmitted = formNode => {
    formNode = getFormFromChild(formNode);

    if (!formNode) {

    formNode.dataset.formSubmitted = "true";

 * Mark all forms as submitted.
 * This function is only for backwards-compliance with the old YUI module and should not be used in any other situation.
 * It will be removed in Moodle 4.4.
 * @method
export const markAllFormsSubmitted = () => {
    watchedForms.forEach(watchedForm => markFormSubmitted(watchedForm));

 * Handle the beforeunload event.
 * @method
 * @param   {Event} e
 * @returns {string|null}
 * @private
const beforeUnloadHandler = e => {
    // Please note: The use of Promises in this function is forbidden.
    // This is an event handler and _cannot_ be asynchronous.
    let warnBeforeUnload = isAnyWatchedFormDirty() && !M.cfg.behatsiterunning;
    if (warnBeforeUnload) {
        // According to the specification, to show the confirmation dialog an event handler should call preventDefault()
        // on the event.

        // However note that not all browsers support this method, and some instead require the event handler to
        // implement one of two legacy methods:
        // * assigning a string to the event's returnValue property; and
        // * returning a string from the event handler.

        // Assigning a string to the event's returnValue property.
        e.returnValue = warningString;

        // Returning a string from the event handler.
        return e.returnValue;

    // Attaching an event handler/listener to window or document's beforeunload event prevents browsers from using
    // in-memory page navigation caches, like Firefox's Back-Forward cache or WebKit's Page Cache.
    // Remove the handler.
    window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadHandler);

    return null;

 * Start watching for form changes.
 * This function is called on module load, and should not normally be called.
 * @method
 * @protected
export const startWatching = () => {
    if (initialised) {

    // Add legacy support to provide b/c for the old YUI version.

    document.addEventListener('change', e => {
        if (!isWatchingForm( {


    document.addEventListener('click', e => {
        const ignoredButton ='[data-formchangechecker-ignore-submit]');
        if (!ignoredButton) {

        const ownerForm = getFormFromChild(;
        if (ownerForm) {
            ownerForm.dataset.ignoreSubmission = "true";

    document.addEventListener('focusin', e => {
        if ('input, textarea, select')) {
            if ('initialValue')) {
                // The initial value has already been set.

    document.addEventListener('submit', e => {
        const formNode = getFormFromChild(;
        if (!formNode) {
            // Weird, but watch for this anyway.

        if (formNode.dataset.ignoreSubmission) {
            // This form was submitted by a button which requested that the form checked should not mark it as submitted.
            formNode.dataset.ignoreSubmission = "false";


    document.addEventListener(eventTypes.editorContentRestored, e => {
        if ( != document) {
        } else {

    getString('changesmadereallygoaway', 'moodle')
    .then(changesMadeString => {
        warningString = changesMadeString;

    window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadHandler);

 * Add legacy functions for backwards compatability.
 * @method
 * @private
const addLegacyFunctions = () => {
    // Create a curried function to log use of the old function and provide detail on its replacement.
    const getLoggedLegacyFallback = (oldFunctionName, newFunctionName, newFunction) => (...args) => {
            `The moodle-core-formchangechecker has been deprecated ` +
            `and replaced with core_form/changechecker. ` +
            `The ${oldFunctionName} function has been replaced with ${newFunctionName}.`

    /* eslint-disable */
    window.M.core_formchangechecker = {
        init: getLoggedLegacyFallback('init', 'watchFormById', watchFormById),
        reset_form_dirty_state: getLoggedLegacyFallback('reset_form_dirty_state', 'resetFormDirtyState', resetAllFormDirtyStates),
        set_form_changed: getLoggedLegacyFallback('set_form_changed', 'markFormAsDirty', markAllFormsAsDirty),
        set_form_submitted: getLoggedLegacyFallback('set_form_submitted', 'markFormSubmitted', markAllFormsSubmitted),
    /* eslint-enable */

 * Watch the form matching the specified ID for changes.
 * @method
 * @param   {String} formId
export const watchFormById = formId => {

 * Reset the dirty state of the form matching the specified ID..
 * @method
 * @param   {String} formId
export const resetFormDirtyStateById = formId => {

 * Mark the form matching the specified ID as dirty.
 * @method
 * @param   {String} formId
export const markFormAsDirtyById = formId => {

// Configure all event listeners.