// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
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* Module for viewing a discussion in nested v2 view.
* @module mod_Forum/discussion_nested_v2
* @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie <ryan@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
import $ from 'jquery';
import AutoRows from 'core/auto_rows';
import CustomEvents from 'core/custom_interaction_events';
import * as FormChangeChecker from 'core_form/changechecker';
import Notification from 'core/notification';
import Templates from 'core/templates';
import Discussion from 'mod_forum/discussion';
import InPageReply from 'mod_forum/inpage_reply';
import LockToggle from 'mod_forum/lock_toggle';
import FavouriteToggle from 'mod_forum/favourite_toggle';
import Pin from 'mod_forum/pin_toggle';
import Selectors from 'mod_forum/selectors';
import Subscribe from 'mod_forum/subscription_toggle';
* Get the closest post container element from the given element.
* @param {Object} element jQuery element to search from
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getPostContainer = (element) => {
return element.closest(Selectors.post.post);
* Get the closest post container element from the given element.
* @param {Object} element jQuery element to search from
* @param {Number} id Id of the post to find.
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getPostContainerById = (element, id) => {
return element.find(`${Selectors.post.post}[data-post-id=${id}]`);
* Get the parent post container elements from the given element.
* @param {Object} element jQuery element to search from
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getParentPostContainers = (element) => {
return element.parents(Selectors.post.post);
* Get the post content container element from the post container element.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getPostContentContainer = (postContainer) => {
return postContainer.children().not(Selectors.post.repliesContainer).find(Selectors.post.forumCoreContent);
* Get the in page reply container element from the post container element.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getInPageReplyContainer = (postContainer) => {
return postContainer.children().filter(Selectors.post.inpageReplyContainer);
* Get the in page reply form element from the post container element.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getInPageReplyForm = (postContainer) => {
return getInPageReplyContainer(postContainer).find(Selectors.post.inpageReplyContent);
* Get the in page reply create (reply) button element from the post container element.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getInPageReplyCreateButton = (postContainer) => {
return getPostContentContainer(postContainer).find(Selectors.post.inpageReplyCreateButton);
* Get the replies visibility toggle container (show/hide replies button container) element
* from the post container element.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getRepliesVisibilityToggleContainer = (postContainer) => {
return postContainer.children(Selectors.post.repliesVisibilityToggleContainer);
* Get the replies container element from the post container element.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getRepliesContainer = (postContainer) => {
return postContainer.children(Selectors.post.repliesContainer);
* Check if the post has any replies.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @return {Bool}
const hasReplies = (postContainer) => {
return getRepliesContainer(postContainer).children().length > 0;
* Get the show replies button element from the replies visibility toggle container element.
* @param {Object} replyVisibilityToggleContainer jQuery element for the toggle container
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getShowRepliesButton = (replyVisibilityToggleContainer) => {
return replyVisibilityToggleContainer.find(Selectors.post.showReplies);
* Get the hide replies button element from the replies visibility toggle container element.
* @param {Object} replyVisibilityToggleContainer jQuery element for the toggle container
* @return {Object} jQuery element
const getHideRepliesButton = (replyVisibilityToggleContainer) => {
return replyVisibilityToggleContainer.find(Selectors.post.hideReplies);
* Check if the replies are visible.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @return {Bool}
const repliesVisible = (postContainer) => {
const repliesContainer = getRepliesContainer(postContainer);
return repliesContainer.is(':visible');
* Show the post replies.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @param {Number|null} postIdToSee Id of the post to scroll into view (if any)
const showReplies = (postContainer, postIdToSee = null) => {
const repliesContainer = getRepliesContainer(postContainer);
const replyVisibilityToggleContainer = getRepliesVisibilityToggleContainer(postContainer);
const showButton = getShowRepliesButton(replyVisibilityToggleContainer);
const hideButton = getHideRepliesButton(replyVisibilityToggleContainer);
queue: false,
complete: () => {
if (postIdToSee) {
const postContainerToSee = getPostContainerById(repliesContainer, postIdToSee);
if (postContainerToSee.length) {
}).css('display', 'none').fadeIn(ANIMATION_DURATION);
* Hide the post replies.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
const hideReplies = (postContainer) => {
const repliesContainer = getRepliesContainer(postContainer);
const replyVisibilityToggleContainer = getRepliesVisibilityToggleContainer(postContainer);
const showButton = getShowRepliesButton(replyVisibilityToggleContainer);
const hideButton = getHideRepliesButton(replyVisibilityToggleContainer);
queue: false
/** Variable to hold the showInPageReplyForm function after it's built. */
let showInPageReplyForm = null;
* Build the showInPageReplyForm function with the given additional template context.
* @param {Object} additionalTemplateContext Additional render context for the in page reply template.
* @return {Function}
const buildShowInPageReplyFormFunction = (additionalTemplateContext) => {
* Show the in page reply form in the given in page reply container. The form
* display will be animated.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
return async(postContainer) => {
const inPageReplyContainer = getInPageReplyContainer(postContainer);
const repliesVisibilityToggleContainer = getRepliesVisibilityToggleContainer(postContainer);
const inPageReplyCreateButton = getInPageReplyCreateButton(postContainer);
if (!hasInPageReplyForm(inPageReplyContainer)) {
try {
const html = await renderInPageReplyTemplate(additionalTemplateContext, inPageReplyCreateButton, postContainer);
Templates.appendNodeContents(inPageReplyContainer, html, '');
} catch (e) {
inPageReplyCreateButton.fadeOut(ANIMATION_DURATION, () => {
const inPageReplyForm = getInPageReplyForm(postContainer);
queue: false,
complete: () => {
}).css('display', 'none').fadeIn(ANIMATION_DURATION);
if (repliesVisibilityToggleContainer.length && hasReplies(postContainer)) {
* Hide the in page reply form in the given in page reply container. The form
* display will be animated.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @param {Number|null} postIdToSee Id of the post to scroll into view (if any)
const hideInPageReplyForm = (postContainer, postIdToSee = null) => {
const inPageReplyForm = getInPageReplyForm(postContainer);
const inPageReplyCreateButton = getInPageReplyCreateButton(postContainer);
const repliesVisibilityToggleContainer = getRepliesVisibilityToggleContainer(postContainer);
if (repliesVisibilityToggleContainer.length && hasReplies(postContainer)) {
if (!repliesVisible(postContainer)) {
showReplies(postContainer, postIdToSee);
queue: false,
complete: () => {
* Check if the in page reply container contains the in page reply form.
* @param {Object} inPageReplyContainer jQuery element for the in page reply container
* @return {Bool}
const hasInPageReplyForm = (inPageReplyContainer) => {
return inPageReplyContainer.find(Selectors.post.inpageReplyContent).length > 0;
* Render the template to generate the in page reply form HTML.
* @param {Object} additionalTemplateContext Additional render context for the in page reply template
* @param {Object} button jQuery element for the reply button that was clicked
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
* @return {Object} jQuery promise
const renderInPageReplyTemplate = (additionalTemplateContext, button, postContainer) => {
const postContentContainer = getPostContentContainer(postContainer);
const currentSubject = postContentContainer.find(Selectors.post.forumSubject).text();
const currentAuthorName = postContentContainer.find(Selectors.post.authorName).text();
const context = {
postid: postContainer.data('post-id'),
"reply_url": button.attr('data-href'),
sesskey: M.cfg.sesskey,
parentsubject: currentSubject,
parentauthorname: currentAuthorName,
canreplyprivately: button.data('can-reply-privately'),
postformat: InPageReply.CONTENT_FORMATS.MOODLE,
return Templates.render('mod_forum/inpage_reply_v2', context);
* Increment the total reply count in the show/hide replies buttons for the post.
* @param {Object} postContainer jQuery element for the post container
const incrementTotalReplyCount = (postContainer) => {
getRepliesVisibilityToggleContainer(postContainer).find(Selectors.post.replyCount).each((index, element) => {
const currentCount = parseInt(element.innerText, 10);
element.innerText = currentCount + 1;
* Create all of the event listeners for the discussion.
* @param {Object} root jQuery element for the discussion container
const registerEventListeners = (root) => {
CustomEvents.define(root, [CustomEvents.events.activate]);
// Auto expanding text area for in page reply.
// Reply button is clicked.
root.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, Selectors.post.inpageReplyCreateButton, (e, data) => {
const postContainer = getPostContainer($(e.currentTarget));
// Cancel in page reply button.
root.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, Selectors.post.inpageReplyCancelButton, (e, data) => {
const postContainer = getPostContainer($(e.currentTarget));
// Show replies button clicked.
root.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, Selectors.post.showReplies, (e, data) => {
const postContainer = getPostContainer($(e.target));
// Hide replies button clicked.
root.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, Selectors.post.hideReplies, (e, data) => {
const postContainer = getPostContainer($(e.target));
// Post created with in page reply.
root.on(InPageReply.EVENTS.POST_CREATED, Selectors.post.inpageSubmitBtn, (e, newPostId) => {
const currentTarget = $(e.currentTarget);
const postContainer = getPostContainer(currentTarget);
const postContainers = getParentPostContainers(currentTarget);
hideInPageReplyForm(postContainer, newPostId);
postContainers.each((index, container) => {
* Initialise the javascript for the discussion in nested v2 display mode.
* @param {Object} root jQuery element for the discussion container
* @param {Object} context Additional render context for the in page reply template
export const init = (root, context) => {
// Build the showInPageReplyForm function with the additional render context.
showInPageReplyForm = buildShowInPageReplyFormFunction(context);
// Add discussion event listeners.
// Initialise default discussion javascript (keyboard nav etc).
// Add in page reply javascript.
// Initialise the settings menu javascript.
const discussionToolsContainer = root.find(Selectors.discussion.tools);
LockToggle.init(discussionToolsContainer, false);
FavouriteToggle.init(discussionToolsContainer, false, (toggleElement, response) => {
const newTargetState = response.userstate.favourited ? 0 : 1;
return toggleElement.data('targetstate', newTargetState);
Pin.init(discussionToolsContainer, false, (toggleElement, response) => {
const newTargetState = response.pinned ? 0 : 1;
return toggleElement.data('targetstate', newTargetState);
Subscribe.init(discussionToolsContainer, false, (toggleElement, response) => {
const newTargetState = response.userstate.subscribed ? 0 : 1;
toggleElement.data('targetstate', newTargetState);